Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
*Growls* I am so sick of not being able to get into Diaryland when I want to. This never happened last year. It fucks with what was on my mind previously since I tend to get easily frustrated and lose my train of thought. *locomotive starts going by-Hedgehoggy waves* Kind of like finding someone put Cheese Whiz down your shorts when you weren't looking. What? No one did that to you?

Psst. Remember popularity? Yeah, that damn thing you used to want back in high school. Well, I'm feeling a little.......peculiar lately with what I am saying so I hope it all makes sense. You see, I knew a hell of a lot of people in my high school and was known for doing goofy things like driving through a business's lawn, arm wrestling people that played the trombone, and saying "hi" to one of my high school's teachers in the local porno store (sometimes they wave back). Guess what? Just when I thought I was finished with all that popularity shit, they pull me back in.

I don't know what has happened! Suddenly people are coming up to me in the gym and chatting away with me. Yes, I, your little Hedgehoggy, am becoming quite the chatterbox lately. I tend to discuss a lot of the things I mention on Diaryland, Garbage Pail Kids, strippers, and drunken goofiness. Now, I don't feel like I am talking to a computer but a real life human being! OMG! What has gone wrong here? I'm supposed to be sulking and setting fireworks out of my own ass. It's a whole new me once again.

Really. I'm no longer just going through the motions in my workouts. It's a bit different but I do like it. The workouts themselves go by well even though I spend more time in the gym thanks to my excessive talking. For the love of Hostess Twinkies, someone force me to shut up!

There. I've also been talking to the "cool club" in my gym. Every place has a clicque. There's drunks, car obsessed people, bodybuilders, strippers, aerobic obsessed women, aneroxics, and girls with excessive came toe. I think I fit into all of these categories......except the "camel toe" one. Ha Ha What I am saying (I feel like I am rambling) is that I talk to the pretty people now as well.

It's funny since I used to avoid anyone that I considered to be a bit too "pretty." It might be that I am not wanting to be reminded of my bad times spent with cheerleaders. It could be that I don't like people to be a bit too happy. Know what I mean? Now, I talk to them more. Hell, one of the prettiest girls, whom I have only given 3 sentences to, waved at me. Being the doofus I am, I looked behind me to see who she was waving at. Well, she laughed. *Hedgehoggy hits head on wall for the last time*

I've always hated popularity and dreaded it in high school. Those types of people had more of image on their minds. So, I pretty much hung out with the band people. Now, these guys could go crazy and not care about how they looked quite as much. That would explain why one of my friends wrapped himself in toilet paper and walked down the street to "haunt" it.

So, now I am back to being a popular bloke and I don't mind it. That means I will be in the gym a bit longer since I have started to talk to more people. No more avoiding conversation. I'm now a sexy bitch! *high fives himself*

To end it all, it was a good workout. Benched 275 tonight. I'm not sure if I will go much further since I'm not looking to get any bigger. It's just the challenge I like.

An interesting thing in the news tonight. A school of witchcraft is opening in a town close by. Good gravy! It's great to know other people out there appreciate something that is so misunderstood. Of course, the bible thumpers are up in arms and trying to stop it. Like they really "know" the bible and act out its will. Please.

Well, this totally awesome happenin dude is gonna head on up to his warm bed soon. It just feels weird that I am talking to people more. I've never been shy but it's the fact that I am back to opening myself up more that surprises me. It can happen. Don't I sound like a total weirdo? 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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