Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I had my dad howling with laughter just a few minutes ago. It's the fact that my mom and I tend to pick on each other every now and then over little things. Well, I've been driving her nuts about the fact that she joined this place called Curves. Like I said before, my mom calls it "a place for fat chicks to work out."

To make a long story short, I told her that I would love to come and take over the sound system during her workout with the other women. It would be me picking on my mom all day.

"Shake it, Mamma! See that woman over there? That's my mamma! This morning, she told me that she did a 4-flusha."

Hearing this, my dad's face got all red. Don't worry. This is the way my family works. They pick on me and I pick on them.

"C'mon, girls! Shake what your mamma gave ya! See my mom's ass? It's all melting away as I sing this song!"

As you can see, my mom and I have a goofy good time getting on each other's backs. You should see the shit she gives me at times. What can I say? This woman will discuss bowel movements almost as much as the boys.

Hot day and that meant a hotter time in the gym. As a result, I had to stand under the fans to cool off. My gray sleeveless t-shirt was dark and stuck to my back at times. Peeling it off was fun and wringing it out in the locker room told me that the workout itself was worth it. Even snuck a few peaks at my chiseled back. 254lbs. of iron pulled by me.

Once again, I get commented at the gym. It's getting to the point that I am letting it go to my head.

"Geez, Mike! You're getting bigger in the chest, shoulders, and biceps!"

The reason I'm letting it get to me now is that it makes it easier with this pumped feeling in my head to get back to my workout and make it count. Endorphins are cheaper than prozac. It's pretty damn true.

Yes, the popularity in my gym is still there with me. I talked to a bunch of people once again, making me late at getting back home. I don't mind since the people I chat with make it worthwhile in talk.

Oh, I am beginning to wonder if the straining I do lifting heavy weight gives off my "orgasm face." I'm going to have to watch myself in the mirror to see. The sounds aren't there since I am obviously not moaning. Once, I was doing so much in the gym that I felt like crying out of joy thanks to the amazing feelings surging throughout my body. Weird, huh?

If I weren't so tired, I'd get into all that hoopla over the Supreme Court's decision in today's discussion. Interesting statement by Clarence Thomas. For once, I am behind him. No pubic hair in my Coke. Mine tend to be a bit curly.

That dream with Drew Barrymore was odd. I've never really liked her sexually. In the dream, she yelled at me about our break-up and dumped me on her front lawn. Since I was a ninja (is this a theme in my dreams?), I snuck in and swiped a DVD of Escaflowne (Japanese Anime movie). It's also odd that I remembered all this in high detail. I'm guessing it's all over my love of Charlie's Angels and its sequel coming out. Funny thing is that it's Cameron that I wanna lick.

MR invited himself over tonight. He is the reason I have a mosquito bite on my right forearm (damn thing got my vein!) as I stood there to talk to him. Scared me since I was standing there killing ants while he was trying to get my attention from outside the window.

I'm usually okay with surprises but this one *kind of* bugged me. Since I have that job interview tomorrow morning, it was a nice distraction. Nothing new with him as usual. As if there ever is nowadays.

Well, I must be off. I've got to get back to Harry Potter, the new book. I absolutely love it! I'm having a hard time putting the damn thing down. The great thing is that this book starts out with a huge bang! No, not like all those fat chicks in the workout place moving around. More like when they all hit me when I tell them that "black dudes like a lot of junk in the trunk." That just might damn near get me killed. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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