Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
So, I have decided to take a hiatus from Diaryland for a bit. It will start next week since I need time to myself and away from saying what is on my mind. I mean, really! It's not like I will be missed or anything. My entries are pathetic and I am far too depressed to put anything worthwhile out.

Unfortunately, I will be having TV issues soon. Since I am going to see the boys soon, I will be missing 3 shows, Boarding House (Damn, Sunny! You really hit people all the time?), Next Top Model (I love Elyse so much! She's the only reason to watch!), and Celebrities Uncensored on E! (Ben Affleck and company showing how they really are). It's so hard to find good trashy fun but these are mine, folks!

My mind is still not in order. *see last entry* I'm incredibly out of place with myself and wanting to branch out in anything beyond money. You see, I am a bit spoiled but I want something new to discover. I've told myself in December to get back into martial arts but the time issue came up. Now, I don't know what to do. I'm thinking that once I get an actual job that I'll find myself out there. Until then, I've just gotta go with the waves.

Finished Sangre Eterna (Eternal Blood) and I must say that it is one of the oddest movies I've ever seen. Blood, gore, vampires, perplexed situation, goths, and a very dark appeal were attention grabbers. An added addition was the debate over Chrisitanity's appeal on Latin America. Who says you can't learn from a horror movie?

It's always interesting to see a different look for vampires. Or is it just a game? *You'll see when you watch* Buffy had a weird addition to how vampires looked. Now Sangre Eterna has its say in all this. I always love fangs that are not completely straight. It's scarier to see crooked and many sharp teeth.

If you ever want to see something that should put you in a better mood, watch Blind Date Uncensored out now on DVD. That show cracked me up at times when some friends and I used to watch it in the dorms. Now, you get to see all those boobies, butts, snatches, and penises in one DVD package! I couldn't believe they put as many penises in there since movies hardly add them.

There were 3 dates that had me shocked. One wanted to oil wrestle on the first date in which they both ended up naked. Another was where a girl tried to get out of the area after saying good night since she hated him. Well, he came back completely naked to get her phone number! The final date that was banned was where the woman started describing her love of blowjobs so these two (they don't even know each other's last names) decided to go to his place and fuck! Oh, I might add that this woman (lingerie model) came to his door topless to start it off. Cute idea.

Today? Rain and then some. Now it's pretty light out as I type this. Most errands are done. It's just another dull day in my depressed head. Might as well go work on Harry Potter for a bit. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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