Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
It's once again so quiet down here. That's the way I like it. If you ever lived in a dorm of chaos consisting of boys with too much beer, girls running around half-naked, loud music, or a fight over who has the prettiest thong, then you learn to appreciate quiet.

Getting kind of ticked with the Bush lies. He's not protecting the woods (did you really think he would?) and letting corporate America use it and abuse it. Mrs. Bush has gone against her promise of funding libraries. What!?! Birds gotta swim and bums gotta pee in library stacks. It's a fact, bitch!

Okay, now I have to admit that I am feeling a little less bummed. Nothing like a good workout that takes over the too much self-analyzing scenario (Whoo! Big description. The endorphins kick in and goodbye to all those gloomies. It's just a matter of time til they come back. I hate being my own worst critic.

This thing with the Supreme Court even having to rule about sodomy bothers me. Who cares if you like it in the butt? It really shouldn't be anybody's business. The fact that someone could get arrested for placing M&Ms in an asshole (Oh, so THAT's where they were!)is amazingly stupid. Take a look at almost all porn videos out there. There are people that like a hard dick or a bag of Twizzlers in their ass.

It's funny. I just don't get anal sex at all. As much as a girl's asshole is cute, I just think it's hands off from me. It's the basic place for her to shit. I've seen videos of guys sticking their tongues up there. *Oh, can't wait to find out who finds my diary under all this* I'm not one for a possible infection as a result of fecal matter. Bear with me. This is the nicest wording I could think of than "poopie."

Assholes are kind of funny to see. Some are pink and others are kind of dark black/brown. Am I the only one that worries about getting farted on in the 69er, even though it is a great position? It's not very ladylike but girls are known to pass gas in ticklish situations.

Oh, on the Blind Date DVD (you have to see this!), there is a girl that tells about her dating experienc while she is taking a dump. I wouldn't believe this unless I had seen it but it is true. Anyway, she sits there and farts and farts and farts. My jaw dropped but not for what you think. I just found it amazing in how many farts she let out. Must have been at least 8 or 10 loud ones.

Have you ever seen the medical reports of things found in assholes? It's the best! I'll never figure out how one guy got a flashlight (a big one!) in his ass.

Just why do people put things in their bodies? I've seen one woman almost lose cherries from within her twat. Suckers (3 of them at one time) were placed in it as well and then handed to guys in the audience.

The absolutely strangest story I have ever read was where a woman went to her gynecologist to complain about a very strong odor coming from her twat. The gyno looked and found a 2 week old tampon! That one will be going into the hazardous wastes box and will not be mentioned again.

So, what news if fit to print in my happiness? I'm happy to report that the one DVD I am waiting for finally has a release date! Bend It Like Beckham will come out in September! I've wanted to finish this great movie and get my mom to see it. Really uplifting and fun to see. Oh, Weird Science, Breakfast Club, and Sixteen Candles will have special editions! How can you not like these movies? I hope The Breakfast Club is the 3 hour version not seen in theaters or anywhere. Please, please, please!

The workout? Tough but fun. Still holding onto my popularity in the gym. It's funny to see someone that is 6"4" and shy of little ol' me. FYI, I am 5"10" and not so proud of it (everyone I know is taller than me). I help get people out of their shells being the good guy I am.

What's on my mind? Wondering if an XBOX is worth the money. I'm thinking about getting one since Ninja Gaiden and Halo are only available on it. Damn video game monopoly.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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