Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Sundays aren't necessarily to be like this. Are they? I've spent the beginning of today doing 200 push-ups to wake myself up, trimming the bushes on the side of the house, errand to Wal-Mart, lifting weights for my shoulders, and more trimming the bushes. Rain has been off and on to keep me in or out all day. It's not bad since it's warm summer rain. Oh, it all reminds me of being little and huddling with my friends in the garage watching rain pour down. Good times and cheers!

For us, Sundays are spent waking up early since I am an early riser no matter how drunk or fucked up I got the night before. My body was designed for being overused and abused for all sorts of activities. They could be sex or a long conversation about how many positions I got myself into the night before. Then again, it's always nice to wake up to a very special "breakfast" provided by your lover. I'll get into that later on.

Oh, during the rain, I watched just a little TV. Here was one of my favorite movies of all time, 10 Things I Hate About You! Kat is my hero. I don't care if someone says, "But she's female!" I look up to a lot of great strong women out there, like Ripley from Alien and Jamie Lee Curtis's character from True Lies. What's wrong with admiring a woman?

10 Things....also reminds me why I am me. I'm not one to do things because other people are doing them. Never cared much for popularity in high school (rather hang out with the band people) and love all things that make me think. Kat and I don't believe in going after people just to make ourselves feel better. I want someone that can show me things about herself and teach me something new. That's one reason I am so good with people, I find I can relate to just about everyone.

Seeing the movie, 10 Things.., made me forget about my gloominess today. I don't care what the critics said about that movie. I loved it a bit too much. Sure, I'd sing to the girl that drives me wild but I'd have to really practice since I only know all the words to a few songs. I'll just have to pretend to know or garble....or something like that. I just hope she'd be willing to flash to get me out of detention.

It's movies like this that make you wonder why there aren't many strong female characters that come to mind quick enough. One gets really sick of bimbos and moronic bitches wearing high heels while being chased by a slasher. Dammit, take thos heels off and run! Most of my past girlfriends would have beaten the shit out of the killer.

Oh, today is another great reason to rest in front of the boob tube! Bring It On will be on tonight. Gotta do the "Mickey" song. Mark used to groan when I did it in front of him. Back then, I had some moves for a white boy!

"You think you got it right

But I think you got it wrong."

Of course, my favorite is Missy. She really is the poo so take a big whiff, folks. Nothing beats oggling her goodies and standing up for what she believes in.

"Oh, Eliza, you're so fine

You're so fine

You blow my mind (among other things)."

Oh, I'm a bit calmed down since a short fight with Mom. She's mad because I shut her in the pantry after she farted a really bad one. Go me.

So, I will be back later if I can. It's gonna be crass since I want to tell about Dorm Tales. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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