Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
It feels weird to look forward to getting up early tomorrow morning to do 200 push-ups, 4 sets of side delt lifts with weights, and then eat a heaping portion of scrambled eggs while reading the paper. Maybe I should have been a Navy S.E.A.L. Then again, with my fear of water, that just doesn't fly too well. Damn, I'd be a a good S.E.a.L on land though. Hoo-Rah, Hedgehoggy!

So, I did it. I have finally finished the Harry Potter book. All of this happened around 5pm today. The ending was quite a surprise to me. There is a feeling within me that craves more so that's a sure sign of a good book. Nice to see Harry standing up for himself more.

I never understood the Yoda slogn: "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to the Darkside." (I'm pretty sure this is correct so forgive me Star Wars geeks.) You see, I was always more in line with Lord Helmet of Space Balls: "Evil will always triumph over good because "good" sucks."

Now, I am not saying I am bad or anything. It's just that the good guys were never allowed to fuck (How can you live with this? A Hedgehoggy must eat!), wear cooler clothes (Boba Fett! Need I say more?), and were dull (Have fun with your lightsaber (Yes, I know some will be snickering). Living the life of a Jedi is like the priesthood without the little boys. I'll always be a shade of darkness.

I laughed to myself when the Pope made a speech about how priests are to remain completely celibate. Yikes! I would have to think that Gawd gave you a dick so use it! I think I am going to drop this topic now since I can find myself going all over with it. I've sunk so low in my entries but now is not the time. *In Valley Girl speak* K?

Now, I don't know how to put it any milder. I live with slobs. My parents and little brother all throw their things on the floor or anywhere they want. Then, my mom has the nerve to complain how messy the house is and I shall not have any visitors over. You should see the downstairs area where she just throws all her things on. You can barely see the desk. My dad leaves pop cans all over the kitchen for someone other than himself to clean up. My brother? His room's just a disastor and smells funny.

My room? Very, very clean thanks to my past living with sloppy roommates. I learned how disgusting it can get when people don't take out the trash for months (I was sick a lot) so I just decided to make myself a neat freak. Scary.

Just look into our house. Everything is a mess except my room. Everything is put away and easy to access (pardon the mess of wires from 5 video game systems)thanks to me putting things away once I am done instead of waiting til later.

Oh, my messy parents are upstairs watching Hollywood Homicide (Harrison Ford and Josh Harnett) while Mom sits a farts here and there. It seems my dear mother has a tummy ache and relieves it by farting as the movie does chase scenes. Mom does tend to get a little excited along with an amazing discussion once again on bowel movements.

It may seem like I am annoyed with my parents but I love how colorful it is in this house. I may be the one that causes the most humor but they have their share in this as well. My problem is that no one will admit to being wrong. If my mom starts bitching about cleaning, I ask her why she is just sitting there while tossig things to add to the pile. Logic does not always work with her. *Grrrr*

One cool thing about the mess in this house is that sitting behind me is my dad's guitar. I know that I am going to sneak that into my apartment to decorate the place with. Soon, I'll hit the parks and pick up "earthy chicks" with it. Don't worry. I'm just teasing. Girls with armpit hair don't amuse me as much as I once thought.

Well, I am through yacking on the ol' soapbox of stupidity. It's funny how I feel lost after spending so much time reading the new Harry Potter book. My first question was, "Now what?" My mind was lost in a world of Hogwarts, a giant named "Gwerk," and a bitch named "Umbridge." I've gotta get a real life. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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