Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Watching Independance Day last night made me wonder why we don't have a president like the one Bill Pullman played. He was brave and got into the battle of fighting those mean ol' nasty aliens. Ours is more of a cowardly moron that blames the problems he causes on others. One can only hope we will get a president with some balls and actual integrity like John McCain.

Well, I am officially here. My mind is not. Apparently no one informed it that I am home and in dire need of actual rest instead of thoughts going all over the place. Then again, the lack of sleep could be from A. not getting any actual sleep B. drying out from alcohol C. moronic conversations involving alcohol (see last entry).

The heat woke me up at 6:30am this morning. I was pretty hot and sweaty from just lying around and bitching about having morning wood and the need to pee so early. You see, I sleep on my stomach which was already feeling bloated from all that fried food over the week. I swear I am not cut out for living down south the way those shits live.

Sadness overcame me while at my grandma's. As much as it was great to see her, I had a hard time hiding what I was feeling inside. When I sat down in the living room to avoid causing disruption with my mom whom was cleaning out the fridge, my gradma and I talked for the first time in a long time that lasted over 10 minutes. What bothered me was seeing her staring out the window and me knowing that she won't be around that much longer. Yes, tears began to well up in my eyes but I was able to keep them back. It hurt to see her just staring out the window during pauses in our conversation. It's funny how I still remember so easily getting my first G.I.Joe with my grandma so long ago and playing with it in the back of her long tan car.

My mom was cleaning out the fridge because of Grandma's forgetting about all the spoiled food left behind. There was a lot of smelly fish and chicken here and there along with bad potato salad. My grandma's memory in getting rid of things was evident in me having to haul out 2 giant garbage bags of some of the foulest smells ever. You could see how happy my grandma was in all the help.

If I make it look like I don't talk to my grandma, that's not true. We usually do a lot of verbal sparring here and there. Our conversations consist of teasing and then I end up having my hair lightly pulled out of Grandma's unusual sense of humor. Of course, my cheeks get pinched every now and then. It's just the the conversation in the living room was more of a normal one.

While my mom and I were there, it was most obvious that her house needs to be clean. Dust was all over the place, which would explain my constant sneezing. The carpet kind of smelled like Buffy's pee. Cute little dog, too! The room I sleep in was hard to deal with since it has not been cleaned in so long. Nice to have a whole room to myself but sneezing a lot can do wonders to how little you sleep. That and the fact that Ellie-Mae peed on my bed spread.

One of the nicest highlights is seeing how the dogs love to go to Grandma's. Ellie-Mae's eyes just light up instantly since this means more food and a yard to run in. My dogs don't get to see grass as much since ours is more of a wooden deck. Bonnie and Clyde would run back and forth in the sun as we sat out there on the patio. Every now and then, we would see deer or cats. There's a little Dachsund that comes around once every 6 months to say "hi" to our dogs.

It was extremely hot out there. The average was at close to 97 degrees. Yesterday, it was 100. Once you take a shower, you need another just from getting out of the shower stall. Don't you just hate it when your undies stick to your ass?

My grandma has a Yorkie named Buffy. She is so cute! It's strange for me to see a little dog that just loves company and will kiss you all over the face. Buffy's little butt wiggles and she just can't stop jumping up and down to get my attention. Oh, she is the runt of the litter that included Bonnie and Clyde. Bonnie hates Buffy, though.

We had a little inconvenience. Buffy was in heat and I didn't know it. As a result, my t-shirt has little patches of blood on it. Clyde, the unneutered male, was goind fucking nuts to fuck little Buffy. The two of them were making faces at each other when on other sides of the gate. It was tough to keep them apart. It was also tough for me to pick up Buffy without getting more blood spots on myself. She's just too cute to put down. I swear!

Every seen a female dog fuck a male dog? Well, I did! Buffy grabbed Jethro and did him doggy style while on the patio. It was funny how poor neutered little Jethro was getting ridden by Buffy. I've got weird dogs. Buffy also raises her leg to pee on lamps, couches, carpet, and even poor Clyde. Clyde had his face in the gate so Buffy peed on him after getting excited. Don't worry. Clyde likes "water sports."

Well, I must get to my little chores that I have to do. I need to finish the roll of film and rest a bit. Next up will be what happened at Bald-O's. That means it will be time for moronic conversations and weird thoughts. Is it any wonder why Bald-O's parents love me? 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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