Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
So, I now have a new job to do. I am about to let out my inner sorority girl lurking somewhere within me. Yes, I sense.......PROJECT! Some guys don't like doing these things, namely any guy I know, but I like to do what I am going to. It's a way to reminisce about the days gone by in college and summers spent on 40 acres of amazing land. What the hell am I talking about?

I'm about to do a humongous scrapbook for the boys. Mark, Crystal, and Bald-O really want me to put together something that consists of a lot of pictures of us as well as friends doing what we do best, get "drunk and squirrely." There are times I find myself laughing at pictures of us since I know what else went on that the pictures don't tell. It should be fun to take that trip down memory lane, huh?

Actually, I am kind of scared. I have never done anything like this before. It's funny how I used to not like taking pictures because I felt they were just a way to tell people, "Hey! I have friends!" In all actuality, I've had fun keeping pictures as momentos of our past together. The only problem is that I am not a great picture taker. Out of 100 shots, only 35 or 45 will actually be considered worthy by me to make a good cut. Don't ask me how many that I recently developed made this visit's cut. *voice breaking* Only 15 out of 27! Arrrgh!

Don't you just love this in me? I'm not just some idiotic testosterone fueled jackass. I'm also filled with a bit of estrogen that loves little projects to keep himself busy. Am I like the most perfect little boyfriend awaiting to erupt? You shouldn't be surprised if I learn to use a needle and thread one day. I'm not afraid to show what girls in my life have taught me. Besides Jen's showing me how to properly sniff her panties, I learned her high school cheerleading moves at 4am. Beat that! Oh, you should have seen me in the elevators when she would tell people, "I taught him that."

So, I have close to 150 pictures of the gang that consist of our trip to St. Louis and times spent in a dorm with a suicidal maniac. Yes, we have so many tales to tell of what went on in the Boys Of Company C's rooms. Just where do I begin in putting this scrapbook together?

All I do know is that I am taking a trip on my own to see a friend down south, Amanda. She has even more pictures than I do of all of us at our drunken best, including the infamous bar shot in which I had to wear Bald-O's black shirt that barely fit me in which Scott is trying to kiss me. *I did not know "Scooter" was doing this until I saw the picture*

So, today? It was very humid. I've taken 2 baths to wash away an amazing amount of sweat. 90 degrees is not big deal but when it's as humid as it is today, it's a real bitch to get errands done with sweat pouring down your face.

To report, I am pretty angry with a town's reaction to a witchcraft school. The townspeople made the possible teachers feel threatened while they were there so the school is no more. Sad. It's amazing how ignorant people can be in this world. I've always admired witchraft since many of its philosophies are within me as well. You see, unlike a lot of small towns, I have a respect for the earth and its inhabitants rather than thinking about shooting a defenseless animal as entertaining or watching cars go around a track 500 times wasting fuel. Fuck Nascar! Just see me get pissed when people call it a "sport."

Since I have not been to the gym in a week, I am slowly getting sore after tonight's workout. My back is really hard to move along with the tightness in my shoulders. Sleeping is going to be......interesting tonight.

This made me laugh. I didn't know that you could oust a governor. In California, citizens are trying to get rid of theirs. He's raked up a nasty deficit in that state. It's just living off of borrowing. Isn't that a clear sign that this moron does need to step down? Now, let's talk about Bush.

I'm a bit pissed at Bush once again. It is my opinion that the military should leave Iraq. Why are we forcing democracy down Iraqi citizens' throats? Saddam is pretty much just a fly right now, although nice to swat. It amazes me of such arrogance in America to push our agendas into another country's lifestyle. Now, I admit that Iraqis are quite ignorant and look really smelly but I say to let them tell us what works. Hell, most still don't have clean water and electricity. Obviously, we didn't think this whole "liberation" shit correctly.

I'm a bit tired now so I'll get into what happened at Bald-O's soon. It feels so good to have a night and day to myself. I may be a people person but I value some quiet for once. A nice clean bed is a must as well. Who knows what has gone on in that extra bedroom at times. Did I tell you that Bald-O has mice?

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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