Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I feel inspired to do this entry thanks to someone on Diaryland that knows who she is and the amazing Jon Stewart of The Daily Show. Jon made a quote in Rolling Stone saying that leadership is when you put away the politics and bullshit. Couldn't have said it any better.

So, are we free? If so, why do most Americans behave like the witless morons our government want us to act like? If we are free, why are we still debating sodomy and fighting over marijuanna? Why can't Natalie of The Dixie Chicks be able to voice her opinion on George Bush? Why are anti-drug commercials telling us lies as to what will happen if we try marijuanna? Why are we not asking ourselves as to why the terrorists attacked us? Isn't it funny how France calls us "arrogant?" Does anyone else feel like our government behave in a manner close to Saddam's reign?

Alright, you might think I am crazy but I am here to tell you my side of how I feel. I may not have notes or anything to back myself up. Just good ol' fashioned conversation as to how I feel. Just remember that I am happy to live here. As they say, "Freedom is never having to say you're sorry."

I find it hilarious that people are gasping at the fact that dear ol' Georgie-Poo may have lied in his State Of the Union Address. What, the government never lies!?! Republicans have our best interests at heart!?! I cringe at how much Americans have become sheep in this world. Is it any wonder I wish we would take up the kind of protests back in the old days in which people actually thought for themselves. Protests today are more about what Carson Daily thinks or what the coolest star thinks should be done in government.

It's no surprise that I am fine with liberating Iraq. My issue is that liberation was taken in a whole new way. People in Iraq still do not have enough power or running water. Do you call that helping? Didn't we think about this BEFORE we invaded this country with such force that no stone was left unturned? No! The newschannels are asking or telling us that Iraqis are angry and very anti-American. Well, duh! I'd hate it, too, if someone came into my country and forced a whole new government down my throat while blowing up my Aunt and Uncles's place.

It amazes me how people I know think we should just shoot Iraqis because they are "violent" and "ignorant." The reality is that we have taken their country and just about destroyed it. Did you see how they distribute food? The strongest Iraqi citizen must fight for getting anything. What about those without legs thanks to being hit by shrapnel? What about little kids having to bring back at least something thanks to the main food gatherer for the family is dead in rubble?

In my opinion, I think Mr. Bush has just given up on Iraq. He can now go and "liberate" Africa. Do you wanna know why? Africa is a good training ground for terrorists thanks to a weak police system. Now, do you wanna place a bet that there is also something secretive that Bush wants out of this visit that we don't know about. This is all a part of photo ops in getting ready for his re-election.

I will tell you why I USED TO be happy with the invasion of Iraq. It was amazing to hear of this dictator that killed, raped, and pillaged to get his way was now going to get something big up his ass. Saddam, a man that had seperate torture chambers for kids, women, and men was going to be kicked out! Yay! How could you not love this!?!

I've read so much on Saddam Hussien that I could tell you many torture methods. There were accounts for Kuwaitis as to how during his invasion of Kuwait, people would be shot on sight on their own front lawns. Anyone not willing to join his Baath party would be subjected to torture or rape (if female). There was a female that was held in jail for questioning Saddam's son, Uday, and raped repeatedly til her mind was completely mush (she can't recall much now). Sad. Now, this woman can never get a job and her own family shuns her because of her small mental capacity.

One of my friends from the gym served all over the world. Ram has been to Egypt, Halifax, just about every state, and even Iraq. He's always told me the truth about how things run compared to here. What makes Ram laugh is that in airports, he looks a bit like a terrorist. So, this brown dude takes being subjected and prodded in a nice manner. *In his words*

Ram was happy that we got Saddam out of power. When you walked anywhere during his reign, it was scary to see armed police all over. They could stop you thanks to Saddam's system in which he would pay anyone for "information." Mind you, it could be false. Many women were raped because there was no way for them to fight back. Anyone not watching Saddam on his TV talks would be disappear for a temporary amount of time or never be seen again.

One of the weirdest stories I've read about Saddam had to do with his generals. When one of them told Saddam that it was not a good idea to do something, he was cut into many pieces. The next thing was to send the relatives what was cut up. Hey, nice guy!

Don't kid yourselves. Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. It's just that he was clever in hiding such things. What makes me laugh is how Bush lied to us about Saddam trying to buy uranium from Africa. Now, he has to cover his ass by blaming all this on others. Bush has lost all sense of leadership with me. What amazes me is how people still buy into his lies.

Republicans have me outraged. Here they were telling us how Clinton's getting a blowjob in office made his an awful president. Well, I'd rather have a laid president than one that continually lies to us and trie to take over the world. A blowjob is really quite minor. I was more disgusted in who Clinton selected. I'm just not into chunky chicks. Republicans should be cleaning up their acts instead of doing damage control or maybe taking a good look at themselves.

I've lost faith in our government for a long time. Is it any wonder why I've become a liberal. In case you don't know, I am for everyone in the U.S. doing anything they want as long as they do not harm or kill someone. Wanna fuck in the ass? Knock yourself out! Want to shoot up heroin? Go right ahead! It's your body so do what you want. Kind of takes the fun out of somethings, huh?

It amazes me that with such vast richness in our land, America is so greedy. We've go Oprah sitting on her cellulite ass telling us how to live. Does she bother to help instead of sitting there talking to WASPs? We've got movie stars bitching about being rich and spending $200,000 a weekend while our school system is going down the tubes!! We've got the stupidest rappers telling us that life is about money and how many rims on our car. The Dixie Chicks are shunned in Bald-O's town for speaking their minds. Obesity is a disease!?! YOU FAT FUCKS NEED TO GET UP OFF YOUR ASSES! See how a deaf person lives or someone with cerebral palsy. Then we'll talk handicaps.

It might surprise you that I am happy here in America. It's just that I feel with my right to freedom comes the ability to be cynical. Never accept what is said until you think for yourself. Oprah doesn't know shit, okay? Dr. Phil is about as dumb as it gets (he said that pornography is one of the main reasons divorce happens). MTV does not stand for "Music Video Televison." Got all that?

I'm sorry if this whole entry seems jammed together. It's just that I was inspired by some people and it reminded me about how ticked I was while watching the news last night. Let the Iraqis decide as to how they want their area led. It sickens me to see people wondering why it's so violent there. Well, to me it is obvious.

I'm gonna cool off now. Anyone have some opinions? You can tell me I'm full of shit if you want! Really! I'm a really nice guy.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

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