Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I'm sorry but I am a bit freaked out since I was almost hit while driving my car south. The light was green so I preceded at a normal pace. The next thing I know, a blue car on my right decided to just go through the red light. Fucking shit! I stopped just in time before it came close to hitting me on the passenger side. The asshole had the nerve to continue on his gum chewing.

It's been so long since I've felt any kind of rage build up within me. I'm so easy to get along with that I haven't been in a fight since 8th grade with this kid named Aaron. T'was a good fight in which neither of us won but I did get a bloody nose and he had this HUGE red bump on his forehead thanks to me grabbing his face and kneeing it. People called it World War 3 considering what happened between us Catholic School boys gone wild. The odd thing was I was very embarassed about the fight. My little brother witnessed me kicking the shit out of Aaron.

I swear that if the asshole driver in the blue car with 2 bikes strapped to the roof wanted to fight, I would. A part of me wants to test out the strength I've gained from my weightlifting days and cause him pain. I'm not a violent person but the fact that he freaked me out this way made it hard to hold back. Who knows? Maybe that Aikido will come in handy.

So, now onto the scrapbook quest! I got it. One big gold-like scrapbook ready to be filled with many memories of college, life, Canada, St. Louis, mansion drinking, and so on. Sammy will be in it along with my PenDragon. There is one person I am waiting for to add. She knows who she is. I'm hoping saucy will be in it as well.

It was kind of funny. The owner of the scrapbook place came up to me, a guy with thick forearms and veins sticking out all over. She asked if I needed any help.

"I'm feeling.......a bit......girly."

Those were the words that came out of my mouth. The owner laughed and took me to the area of my needs, a table of scrapbooks. There were red ones, camouflaged ones, and so on. Yes, I was the only male in the store but I felt just fine in my search for an "inner woman with too much time on her hands" within me. Oh, my! Stickers! Labels! Pictures of fuzzy dogs! Have I lost my fucking mind!?!

It was a fun quest being in the scrapbook store for a good 45 minutes trying to decide on whether the color of my scrapbook was too "feminine" or "masculine." Then, I had to add sheets. Oh, stickers! All in all, it cost about $35. Oh, but there were stickers!

The amusing thing to me was the owner asked if I wanted to take classes on setting up scrapbooks. Me, with 2 or 3 little ladies learning how to place our lettering just right? Hmmmmm......I'll think about it. Nah. I think I'll be just fine on my own.

For the little designer in me, I picked up the book on the cars of The Fast And the Furious. Cool stuff! My little brother works on cars so he will be bouncing off walls to see all the cars used in the movie along with the moronic sequel. I should be fair since I haven't see the sequel.......yet. It's sitting up in my room just waiting for me to play it on my DVD player. Someday.

I also will begin reading Battle Royale and S.W.A.T. I've been waiting for these movies for some time. BR has been banned from these shores for 2 or 3 years due to excess violence. A group of high schoolers are sent to an Island to kill themselves. The last one standing wins. If you don't participate, the collar you are wearing on the Island will blow up. Interesting and critically acclaimed. Too bad we won't be seeing it anytime soon.

S.W.A.T. is an incredible looking movie with Collin Farrel (My hair!!!), Michele Rodriguez (HOT!), and Sam Jackson (One bad motherfucker). Can't wait to see it since this movie has these actors and an interesting look. That's all I will say.

I hope this entry holds you, folks. My computer needs to be cleaned up and I still need to calm down after coming close to getting hit while driving. I'm fast but very careful. I know what some people are waiting for.......just be patient. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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