Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
If there is one thing that gets my heart racing, it's gotta be Christina Aguilera. Yeah, she does look a bit fucked up at times but I still like her. There's something about a girl that lives her life HER way no matter what anyone says.

Speaking of amazing women, Angelina was interviewed on 20/20! Oh, I was waiting for this interview, forgot about it, but then remember luckily 10 minutes before the show. Not surprisingly, Angelina continues to be honest and complex in so many of the things within her life. It's scary how people judge her for telling about what interests her because it might disagree with others. Isn't it better to be truthful than to lie? I mean, I find it funny how many stars sit there and lie about how amazing they are but there is little, if any, substance to them. Angelina is so much.

Of course, we know how much I love Angelina and how I am going crazy in awaiting to see Tomb Raider 2: The Cradle Of Life. Angelina and this character all in one is what I wish I could find in a woman, spice. No caring about who designs her clothes. No caring about what others think about her. No caring what society thinks but being her own person. Is there anyone out there like that?

Oh! *Looks to the left* I see my dogs left me something! There is a big black turd next to the couch. Don't you just love it when dogs cannot figure out that going outside is the place to take a dump? This concept has escaped Jethro for some time. Ellie-Mae poops in the dining room. Yes, each has his/her favorite place to hide poo.

MR invited me to bible study! Whoo! *being a bit sarcastic* No thanks. I just couldn't sit there with 6 people that devote themselves to not living their own lives. "Working for Jeezus" is what MR calls it. *rolls eyes* Life is more fun when you don't sit at home reading the bible all the time and worrying everyday whether you are going to hell or heaven.

I'm going to hell. I hear it's nice this time of year. It's been decided for years. My 8th grade teacher, who just happened to be a nun, told me this. I looked into those green eyes and agreed with her. You should have seen her gasp! Marijuanna smoking, orgies, and a permanent tanning here I come!

Right now, I have a crisis on my hands. I've taken the scrapbook apart and cannot get it back together. I'm pretty sure it's the screws but I am lost. All of this makes me feel pathetic. If a sorority girl can put her hopes and dreams into a scrapbook, why can't I? What have I done to deserve very little knowledge in dealing with projects?

As you can see, I am just not in the best of moods tonight. I need to get back to kinky thoughts and be more positive. *voice breaking* My scrapbook needs me! I'm trying to get back to dwelling on just sex, folks! I'm trying! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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