Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I must admit that I have read and reread last night's entry a few times. Did I really say all that? It's funny how I notice all the little mistakes such as spelling. Once again, did I really say all that? Now after letting all that out, I'm wishing I went more in depth with it. There is so much more but I'm not going to sink that low........not yet.

Once again, my tape player for my car is hating me. There are certain tapes it will only play one side. Others take a while for it to finally play. Well, the damn thing spits out my 80s Greatest Rock tape too many times. Today wasn't as bad since the tape only came out 4 times as opposed to the usual 8 to 12. To me, 80s rock was great! To my tape, it just wants to see how long I can keep from swearing.

It's Sunday so the usual. Wake up early thanks to forgetting to turn on the fan which made it extra hot. My Tony the Tiger PJs stuck to me like a lover's wet panties thrown at my bare chest. Oops! The day starts with me eating a heaping pile of scrambled eggs, reading the Sunday paper, and then doing 200 push-ups. What follows is a long hot bath in peace. When I was in school, this would be the time I'd worry about homework. Soaking should be worry free.

What do you see when you look in the mirror? This morning, I was just staring at myself after shaving all that facial hair. I'm pretty scruffy on the weekends since I'm not one to like shaving my face. Ass and chest are definites but not face. What do people see when they look at me?

My eyes go here and there as I stand there. Why can't I see all the good points and ignore the bad ones? What is it about being negative that drives me to such low self-esteem? What happened to the boy who had not a care in the world how he looked? Sometimes, I wish I was Peter Pan, just lounging on an Island in lust with Tinkerbell and Wendy. Fairies are sexy.

It's chaos in this house since Bonnie is now in heat. My white t-shirt has spots of blood here and there after picking her up. We tried putting these special "pants" on Bonnie but she'd rather go nude. Clyde, the unneutered male, is going crazy! He'll cry in his kennel thanks to the fact that we have to keep them seperated. When we do allow Clyde with his sister, she chews him out with some major PMSing. Like I said, we have to watch them to make sure Clyde doesn't have his nuts chewed off as well as to make sure there isn't any......doggy styling going on.

I must admit that I am still fuming over last night's debate with MR. His religion just doesn't get it at all. MR even had the nerve to say that Christians should definitely convert Muslims. Sad. I've always thought that each religion should be about who ever wanted to be in it without having some jackass come in and change things around. Even I, the most unreligious person, wants tolerance for other people's beliefs.

I'm hoping......*crosses fingers*..that Bald-O got a karaoke machine so we can sing Lionel Richie songs. I've hinted how he should put one in the corner next to the TV so everyone that comes over must sing some major shit. Bald-O and I think that Lionel Richie made one of the greatest songs for karaoke, "Say You Say Me." How can you not love that song!?! It's also good to come up with insane dance steps and wear sparkling rhinestone outfits. That's what we do anytime, anywhere. Just please don't ask Bald-O to sing, "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy." Ugh.

Well, this entry is dull and lifeless but I'm in need of lunch. Tomorrow, I won't be around as much since I'll be at Amanda's working on my scrapbook. I'll be back later...........maybe. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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