Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I never thought I'd say this but I'm interested in someone. At least, I kind of think so. My mind is so cluttered with the things I need to do by Friday since I am most likely leaving.

Audience: "AWWWWWW......Don't leave us!"

You see, there is this girl that works at the scrapbook place. She's cute and quite nice. I'm not sure she was sending me signals when she made sure that I knew her name was on the back of the card that I have for the scrapbook place. The card's something that if you spend $100, you get $20 worth of stuff free. Please excuse the Bon Jovi reference but I'm halfway there! I'm beginning to like the job I'm doing on the scrapbook itself.

Where was I?

Oh, I'm not sure on this girl but she is cute. Her mom is the one that owns the store. The weird thing is that the girl is blonde and I have very little interest in blondes for some reason. Brunettes and redheads get my attention like no other. Give me spice such as Canadians, Italianiano and Mexicans! Of course, right now my priority is on the scrapbook. Any advice on what I should do? I need a girl's perspective on this.

As I said before, there are two new friends in my gym, Will and Jeff. Jeff works out with his friend Chris so one day he might be included in here since he does seem to have me in hysterics by clapping as I do my workout. I'm not sure why.

Will has started picking on me by trying to distract me with telling where all the pretty girls are in my gym. He'll go so far as to eye one when he knows I will have to look. Curiousity killed the cat? Well, it can get to me as well.

Last night was where Will and Jeff decided to distract me from my workout all night. Treadmills? I knew who was on what. Stairclimbers? I knew what color shorts she was wearing. Arrrgh! I can't take it at times. What I need are horse blinders when I workout. Either that or cover my eyes with my bandannas.

Enough! I want to concentrate with what I have before me. I'm tired of having to go all over in my necessaties. Scrapbook comes first. Next is getting the shelf set up in my room to get the clutter off the floor. Then, to the south I go on Friday. What happens after that? The hell if I know. At least Will is only in my gym on Mondays and Wednesdays. I'm on sensory overload with a bad case of ADD so why don't you kill me?

Oh, I would like to add that I have no interest in eating a box of Dots ever again. Those things just fuck up your metabolism in how gooey they are and too much sugar. No more, I say!

I'm sorry about how dull this entry is getting. The due date of the scrapbook is Friday. I promised the boys and Crystal that I would get it done. If you know me, I keep my promises no matter what. I've pretty much finished with certain sections. Let's see, I got my 3rd through 8th grade pictures in along with my trips such as Canada and St. Louis. The big issue is adding captions to tell the silly things that happened behind each picture. Am I funny, folks? I'm curious if people see my sense of humor. Sometimes, I think I am pretty dark.

Well, I must get back to work. A Hedgehoggy's work is never done! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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