Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
As much as I hate MTV, I gotta give it major credit for showing what they show on True Life. In case you don't know, True Life is about life from different views. We've had cheerleaders, prom dilemmas, gay people coming out issues, and now people dealing with living in wheelchairs. This episode had my eyes glued to the TV.

Yup, no beating around the bush but an amazing account on True Life on what life is like in a wheelchair. We meet a college student running for president there, a girl that had an accident and is now in therapy, a high school student that has no legs, and a 20year old girl that is wanting to be independent. I learned quite a bit from this show!

It irritates the hell out of me about how people complain about how horrible life is on Diaryland. When I saw True Life, I realize more and more that these people don't know what "hard" really is. The 20year old girl showed how she pees through a tube thanks to a catheter. The high school student with no legs danced his ass off at prom. *Definitely good, too!* The 20 year old even went on to explain that she has experienced sex even though she is paralyzed. Yes, she orgasmed and this makes the Hedgehoggy happy! Live! Dance!

Wanna know my issue of today? Earwax, good old fashioned sticky stuff in the ear. It had to come out so my dad got the "gun." This is a water shooter that is aimed into the ear to break up excess wax. No pain but it damn sure tickles at times!

What I have to do is lean over the kitchen sink while my dad, with bad breath I might add, shoots water from the gun into my left ear. The towel I have to wear is worn like a cape to keep the excess water from getting all over me. No big deal. At least it's over after around 8 or 9 shots.

I've got a shelf sitting to my left downstairs here to put together once the weekend is over. Cost me $25 which makes it a pretty cheap piece of furniture from Target. Who cares? As long as my room is pretty......oops! I meant "fucking amazing" from clutter then I'm happy. Just what makes furniture cheaper than other types anyway? Some things are obvious but I'm curious.

Sadly, there isn't much to report tonight. My mind is in rest mode thanks to tomorrow being chaotic. Traveling with 4 Yorkies and a talkative mother is not always fun. Yeah, we discuss all sorts of things like news and whether Mom really farted. Those conversations are just with the dogs. Mom and I get into debates about the U.S.'s dealing with Iraq and whether my I will ever find socks that can last since they all now have holes in them.

FYI: I hate wearing shoes so I parade around the house with my naked feet or socks. It wears them out so fast.*

This reminds me that I have not packed! Not to worry. Guys only need undies, socks (preferably with holes), a toothbrush, and shorts. If I had my way, I'd take along a case of beer to make the long drive really.......interesting in conversations.

What do I need to make the sitting there more enjoyable besides looking at my sexy toes? Books, of course! I've got Traci Lords's biography and the movie book to S.W.A.T. That way, I can lose myself in an action scene or I can just pretend Ron Jeremy is trying to take my ass from behind. Did you know that that porn star is nicknamed "The Hedgehog?" Well, I must say that I am not that hairy, fat, or ugly.

Well, hopefully, I will get the chance to say goodbye or something since I have to wait on my mom at times. Even Grandma complains about how much time it takes her to get ready. I'll catch up with you guys when I get back!

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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