Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log

It's another result of not catching up on needed sleep. I was so happy to be sleeping in my own bed last night that it wound me up. Looking at the clock that is saying "2am" is hard when you just want to enjoy a good slumber denied. Dammit! I wanna sleep well tonight and to stop yawning all day.

Sorry about being late. I wanted to see Colin Farrell interviewed. This guy is so like me that it's scary. I'm not like him when I'm here but when I'm down south, well, let's just say I'm a bit of goof ball and occasionally drunk. Oh, but I'm a good drunk! You'll find that I'm playful and quite articulate in my choice of using the words, "Shit, Fuck, Ass, and Bee-Yeer."

The one thing I love is that Colin and I have very similar hairstyles. It's so great to wake up in the morning and just put a little water in it and go. No fuss and no mess equals a happy Hedgehoggy. You should see me in the morning. I'm sure some would love to wake up after a long fuck session with me (count those hours!)and watch as I creep out of the bed to pee thanks to morning wood. Bloody hell to have to pee with this damn thing at times since my dick stands up at an angle. Sometimes, girls are lucky.


So, I got back from seeing Scrapbook Girl tonight. It was just a short 45 minute chat at the store where she works along with showing her the scrapbook. Oh, Scrapbook Girl is cute. The thing I want to make perfectly clear is that I am taking this very slowly. Very slowly. SG now has my email address, the super duper secret one only a few people know (S, PD, PV, R) since I like to keep my privacy. Boys don't email but drink together. Girls love emails from me since I am chatty. Hopefully there will be one from SG soon.

The only problem I have with SG is that she has to go home on weekends. It's an hour drive and I'm wondering why. Don't worry. SG does not have a boyfriend. I'm guessing that when I know her a bit more, I'll find out since it might be private. Like I said, I really like her so I respect her privacy.

My brother was on TV tonight. The thing is that he's skydiving for his boss that died doing it. Sounds strange? Well, the guy died last summer doing a bad landing. My brother was skydiving at that time. The wife of the guy wants people to skydive for her husband so my brother is in this. I know it sounds strange but if you've ever worked with skydivers (I have), then you know how close they get thanks to a very tight group.

I've been on TV twice in my lifetime. The first was when a newsteam chased me down in the parking lot to ask me what I thought of the weather.

"Uh, I haven't really paid attention since I'm just getting a movie."

That was pretty much my exact response. Somehow my fans (parents) thought I handled myself well. It's all about how momma thinks of you, huh?

The second time was when I was working out in the gym after New Years. The newsteam asked if they could film me working out on a segment about New Year's Resolutions in getting to the gym. Guess who was doing a major lifting session for biceps with a sucker in his mouth (made me look like I was smoking) and made a facial expression after I put down the weights (Sticks tongue out)? When I came to the gym the next day, people stuck their tongues out at me. It's all about the fans right?

The funny thing was seeing myself on TV in the gym session (it was also on in the morning news). My first thought was, "Am I that big? Wow!" The next was, "Why did I have to suck on a sucker that night?" It was funny how the lunch lady in the dorm made a comment to me about the segment yet she lives 50 minutes from our town. Apparently, I'm pretty easy to remember seeing. It's all about the fans, right?

It's been a really weird day as well for me on Diaryland. I was a little upset and worried since I thought someone didn't like me anymore for something I might have said. It's hard to explain but when someone means a lot to you, you tend to worry about a possible tiff in a situation. Of course, I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about me. It's just when someone means something to you that it becomes an issue. It was all solved. Many kisses to her since she knows who she is! Guess I'm a weird one tonight.

Well, I am in much need of some sawing logs now. I've also got a headache that could be a stretched out hangover from this past weekend. Am I the only one so happy it's Friday that all I wanna do is sleep and NOT drink? By golly, the boy is growing up!

*Not on your life, kids!*

Goodnight to all! Many hugs to all my fans as well. Tomorrow will be a long entry after I get some sleep. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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