Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I must admit that I am not in the best of moods for an entry. My mind feels so dried up but I gotta give a little love to my late night readers. I mean, you ladies are so devoted that I am scared I tell ya of ya'll breaking into my house to smell my Calvins. It's that fresh ball smell that you all can't resist on the ol' Hedgehoggy.

Bah! My dad is going fucking crazy with the downloads. He showed me a nearly perfect copy of Terminator 3. I must say that I am impressed with the picture but I'm in no mood for movies, although that blonde girl is pretty fucking hot! I've always wanted to appear out of nowhere completely naked. Just me and the Notorious B.I.G. hanging around (depends on who's there-nudge nudge). If you gave me $10, I'd let you all play with my balls.

I'm kind of laughing at myself. I've got 30 things every freshman male should know about life in college. Let's see.....I've got help on sex (none of my techniques will be revealed), how to dress, and dealing with a roommate. Yessirree, I've been through quite a bit in my years of college. Suicides? Seen 'em. Threesomes? Been in one. Panties on EXIT signs? See that, too! This is all the stuff your mothers won't tell you when they drop that 150 pound little freshman off at the dorm.

So, what has been on my mind lately? Actually, I've been preparing for the day I move out of my parents' house. Don't get me wrong. My parents and I are like friends. I cuss, do obscene hand gestures, and dance. That's just to get food.

It's just that one day when this bad job economy lifts, I might find myself with an actual job. Once I do, I want to find a place to live and bring over all my college friends. Of course, there will one day be that special little lady. The apartment has to look good for both sex's. That means I need stuff that brings out that extra special Hedgehoggy appeal and not just giving special priviledges to sniff my Calvins.

I also need that major overhaul on my clothes as mentioned a short while ago. It's time to get rid of my A & F shorts that are slowly forming holes, new jeans, and to top it off, socks. Just about all my socks have holes and I am proud of each one of those holes. Mom was bitching to me about getting new socks so I promised her.

What is it about underwear that makes it all mean so much to me? I'm now finding a few Calvins have holes!!! Dammit! I paid $18/pair for these amazing ball hugging and penis bulging boxer briefs. I've done dances and imitations of Marky Mark in my Calvins! This is horrible. Anyone want to make a contribution to my funding of "Get Hedgehoggy Some Sexy Undies So He Can Stop Feeling Like He Is Free Ballin?" Do girls have a hard time throwing out some of their favorite panties?

Underwear is a tricky subject that I will definitely dwell on later. There's so much to learn about why we guys wear certain ones and why girls wear certain panties. It's an endless pursuit of conversation.

Gawd! I can't wait to get a real job one day. That way I have a reason to hang out at happy hours on Fridays. I'm not a smoker but I do appreciate a cold beer on Friday after work at times. Then again, in college it was sometimes a beer bong on the hour every hour. Where did the time go?

Well, people are upset about the first openly gay bishop being named. Please! If they really followed the law of their religion, it would tell you to love one another as you would yourself. Apparently, people like to push whatever they want out of religion and set aside those things they disagree with. To those, I say GO FUCK YOURSELF!! It's funny how hiprocritical so many Christians are since I've had to deal with one of the worst, MR. Is it any wonder why I don't miss him?

I have no idea why but I am getting an odd cult following from one of my fave's people. Hi to all of you that read Pura's diary and are finding your way over here! It would be so nice of ya'll to say hi to me as well. I might send you a couple pairs of my Calvins so you can sniff 'em. Look! No "skid marks!"

So, I think I've said enough. Obviously, I am in some kind of weird trance in which I keep embarassing myself further and further. Oh, that reminds me that I have an interview on Tuesday. Gotta be big pimpin myself! Get some sleep, stop giggling at me and start dreaming of me! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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