Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"I disrobed. The next thing you know, I found a Pez in my belly button."

I've had days like that! You've been so busy that you find odd things that you forgot about here and there. It's a bitch to find how easily things can slip your mind.

Well, it's great new here in that the Wiccans are fighting back with the Christians that threatened them. If you don't remember what I told a short while back, a group of Wiccans wanted to form a school based on their religion. Christians in this small town wanted them gone, calling them "Satan Worshippers." Sad how ignorant these assholes were. Now, the Wiccans are EDUCATING the ignorant about their religion. Go Wiccans!

I'm sick of people pushing others to believe what they believe. That openly gay bishop is having a hard time now that people are voicing out how they think he is wrong. As long as this bishop does his job well, there is no harm.

If anything, someone should clean up the church where it should be dealt with, priests poking little boys. It's quite interesting that they won't prosecute a bunch of priests known to fondle their altar boys. If you're gonna judge, prepare to be judged as well. Maybe when religions clean up their acts, I'll come back. As of now, consider me free of filth. Those nuns were naughty. Really naughty!

This is gonna sound strange but I feel stoned. I mean it! My whole body feels like I'm just out there, man. It's so hard to describe. Must be those strawberries in the Cheerios I had about 2 hours ago. Whoo! Me likes the feeling.

*I am having a hard time typing this*

The reason I am not in that chipper mood that I've been in for so long is that my self esteem seems to be dropping. I'm not sure why but I pretty much hate myself today. There are days where it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps.

Tomorrow morning is gonna be busy. I've got an interview to deal with early. My body is designed to wake up at the time I tell it so I don't need no stinkin alarm clock. It's all a part of the training in college in getting to class after getting sloshed. It's 5 o' clock somewhere!

Ya know, I've got a really shitty feeling thanks to the low self esteem. Sure would be nice to find some emails. *hint hint* Tell me how you want me! With pastrami? How about a mustache ride? I've got a really big toe! That's about the only thing I'm proud of, my big toe. Sorry for the lack of a good entry but I'm just not in a good mood. Will someone please shoot me? After you are done, get some sleep! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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