Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Wow! Wanna ride the latest sensation on the internet? Well, just search under Google for me by entering "I need more cowbell." 5 people have found my diary today thanks to that! C'mon, guys! I need some more cowbell!!!! Slap that doo-hickey, baby!

I'm sorry about how bad the entries have been lately. Distractions have had me kind of fucked in the head. MR came over uninvited to get me to go outside. Well, it was hot but I did it anyway. It's hard to say no to a pathetic religious psycho that tries so hard with that brainwashed look in his eye. Someday, MR and I will have a huge argument even though it is so hard to yell at a guy that looks stoned thanks to reading the bible all day. Very strange.

To make life so worse *in dramatic fashion,* I've got a zit. Yessirree, good ol' Hedgehoggy has been going back to high school and sporting a painful little red dot underneath his lips. Think 21 Jump Street will take me? I'm like so young looking with my spiked hair that I'd get away with being a 16 year old that can buy booze so we can all get conked up behind the school.

As a result of some deep thinking (involves staring at the moon and wondering if it is made of cheese), I'm wanting some word magnets for my future apartment now. People I know have these magnets with all sorts of words on them that combined make silly sentences.

"Needs Ho Cheese Love"

That's a good example of one I put together. *takes bow* Nothing like good conversation starters, huh? What would be really cool is finding magnets with obscene words.

"Bitch Love Dong Wang Twat Hung"

The only problem is when my dear mother visits that I'll have to hang "Needs Ho Cheese Love" back up. Of course, there is also poetry magnets and even foreign ones.


That's all I have to say and it's too bad if you can't understand that word. That's one of the first Spanish words I've ever learned. It's always the bad apples in class that learn the cool shit, right?

For those of you that hate Britney Spears, you had better leave the country because an enormous anything Britney is about to be unleashed! Her new album is in October(?) and that means plenty of interviews.

"Oh, lordy." "Gosh." "Golly geer whiz."

Don't you just love her deep ho southern vocabulary? It's like valley girl speak but in a less conventional way so everyone in the deep south can understand Britney.

I'm not hating Britney since, yes, I do kind of like a few songs. My issue is with how she seems a bit fake. What I wanted he to do is come out and say, "Yes, I fuck! What's the big deal? I'm grown up now." Can someone please stand up for those of us that enjoy sex instead of just porn stars? You can bet your bottom dollar that I would love to have a press conference on my favorite sex positions and how eating out girls is a must in my life. A growing boy needs his nutrition and I'm not talking Grape Nuts here!

I saw the pics of Britney Spears for the new Elle magazine. Wow! She looks fantastic (and very yummy) so I might be getting this issue for the.....uh....articles. Should I shut up now? Of course not! My fave is still Christina Aguilera since she seems to do her thing as opposed to being ordered by the record company. Does Britney do her own songs? Not that I know of. Don't you just hate formatic pop that promotes itself as pure?

While in the gym tonight, Ram and I got into a discussion on Kobe Bryant. It was great to see him since it's been a month since Ram's been in the gym (injury). What pisses me off is that Kobe goes to court and comes out with all these cheering people. How does that make the victim feel? I mean, if Kobe did rape this woman, isn't that awful to shout hoorays to him?

It amuses me that the media plays Kobe as an amazing athlete! Okay, I admit that he can dunk but there is a catch on all that. Kobe is a fucking ballhog on the court. He and Shaq didn't like each other at first thanks to Kobe keeping the ball all the time. It's the same fucking thing over and over: Kobe is supposed to score. There is no strategy in the NBA thanks to ballhogs going back and forth dunking for the cameras.

The greatest NBA player? Michael Jordan. Unlike Kobe, Michael was a player that helped his team win. 6 championships says it all, all while playing against some of the greatest in the game. What about now? I sure as hell don't know many of the players' names anymore since all they do is play for money. Love of the game is gone. Kobe is an example and the fact that he got an award on a kids' show pisses me off.

Now, if this whole incident is just sex between Kobe and this woman, that's fine. It's nobody's business but his and the wife's. Let it be tried in court, folks. Just don't cheer on until we find out. I'm sick of people that find sports stars to be more important than anything out there. It's just a game of entertainment for the people that take it seriously (fat fucks that live through their TVs).

Sorry, I just had to get on my soapbox for a short bit. I'm sick of sports stars and the like bitching and moaning. It's always a laugh the colleges tell about how education is so important but the fact that sports dominate in the college itself is sad. Did you know that I met a student at my college that couldn't read well? My friends had to read his assignments for him. True.

Well, I need to head on up to the ol' sleeping place for some shut eye. I've got dreams of Britney "I've only had sex once in which Justin ate me out" Spears going on. Just where oh where will we be in the wording department when I get some magnets with words on them?

"Hedgehoggy Say Force Love Big Fart On Man"

The more things don't make sense, the more I get the giggles. Fart on, man. Fart on! Get some sleep!

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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