Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
If you give a Hedgehoggy a cookie......

It was pretty fun to sit there and do my usual morning routine of eating cereal on the couch. Once I do this, the dogs come into the living room to bark out the window. There's something about them needing an audience while they bark their little asses off. Yorkies are a very vocal and noisey bunch!

What I enjoyed doing was hitting Jethro with Cheerios. They'd bounce off the top of his head and land next to him in the chair. Jethro is not as food savvy as most dogs are since he is so snotty. Well, enter Ellie-Mae and she can clean up. Nothing gets by "Hoss" and her nose. I never have to worry about food falling on the floor since sweet ol' Ellie looks out for me.

After all this, it's pretty much downhill. Getting the new magnets for the fridge will be interesting. I haven't even put them on the fridge yet so everyone can put strange sentences together.

"Drunk Puppy Love Tractor."

That's my first sentence so far. It was purely out of just fumbling with magnets for a bit while laying on my bed. Give me time and the big "interesting" sentences come out to play.

The reason I'm down (but not like before-Thank you) is because I was reading Angelina Jolie's interview out of boredom. She's right in saying that some people are just destined to be alone. There's nothing wrong with this at all. I've experienced a lot in my time, especially in school. It's just that I'm not happy with how the pickings have gone.

Let's face it. I'm dead in the love category. Jen destroyed my sanity and "She Who Shall Not Be Named" killed what little heart I had. There was the PenDragon but I can't see her that often. I miss her a lot but reality sets in. The biggest factor is that almost all the girls I have met lately are so into themselves that it's scary. There are things beyond having clothes and makeup. Am I right?

I am not going to be that guy that sits in the mall on the couch while his girlfriend goes from store to store buying so much shit that she doesn't need. Materialism is not me. Just give me a good conversation and a cold beer. We be having good times!

There is one category that I feel lucky about. I have so many interests that make me well rounded that I'm definitely more knowledgeable than most everyone I meet. Brains? Got 'em. Muscles? Got 'em. What sets this apart from others? I like to keep the knowledge going and the need to take care of myself on train to hell. I'm not destined for heaven, ya know.

Bald-O has the same quote that's been stuck in my head for a while. "Ya never know." It's true that I will just have to wait it out to see what happens to me. If Scrapbook Girl will get her head out of her ass, there might be a chance. Right now, I just have to wait for this little scared blonde to wake up. As of right now, I'm just giving up on things.

So, how does a boy unwind? Gots to lay in the tub while the massive shoulders hang out to the sides. No rubber ducky to play with, though. Just hot water to kill the soreness of another workout, a bad one. Today's was awful since I lost concentration. I talked too much.

Yeah, I talked to Jeff and Chris a bit too much. Told them how I used to put cooked mushrooms on Fruit Loops. Jeff says, "Just what kind of mushrooms are you talking about?" At first I come out saying, "Cooked. Ya know?"

Suddenly bells go off in my head and I end up talking about shrooms with Jeff and Chris. I've never done 'em but always interested in hearing about things. M used to do shrooms by putting them in her peanut butter sandwiches.

Other than all this, it was the same old conversations with Jeff and Chris: stupid stuff on TV, Reno 911!, who's the hottest girl in the gym, and I forgot what else. I swear that I talk to these shits more than anyone nowadays. Somebody tell me to shut the fuck up. I've got a workout to do, dammit!

I've also got a question that has been plaguing me: "Why did someone give Hilary Duff and recording contract?" Haven't we been subjected to enough of this pathetic blonde's attempts at doing something? Roger Ebert was on discussing Hilary's shitty movie and telling how it's so superficial. Finally, someone with sense in telling it like it is! Why are we making movies that speak about being "pretty" and that is THE most important thing. I'd rather sit through the movie, Kangaroo Jack, since it has a computerized marsupial that can dance and shit like an actual one.

So, I would like to announce that this is Hedgehoggy's 1,000th entry. I've been on here at Diaryland for a bit over a year now. It's grown onto me to do an entry in order to let out my frustrations, fears, anger, good times, annoyances, sadness, and dealing with myself. In no way have I made this whole thing ME ME ME ME or whined like so many high schoolers. My diary has been bit of humor and observing life. That's all.

The funny thing is that although I write for me, it's nice to have fans. Really. I read and keep up with everyone that updates. I've told about the people that I've grown close to so they know who they are. All those Texans and Canadians are in my thoughts no matter how many buffets and beer bongs have entered my system. I hope I never bore you.

It's funny how certain entries still stick out in my mind even though I have not read them in so long. I've told about my accute infection in my throat back in May that damaged it to the point that I could not eat for 5 to 7 days. It also made me sleep for 2 hours in 3 days to which I hallucinated in the middle of the night (freaky shit!).

There was that fight I had with the hardcore feminist about the use of the word "cunt" that landed a battle on Diaryland between me and a buch of hardcore gay women. Oh, how they had me mad. Loved the guestbook entries about me. "Spitting nails!" I had a uber gay chick saying that I made her spit nails!

Of course, there are the ones that made me realize that when someone says something that another disagrees with, they imediately hate you. I've pissed off sorority sisters, a person with an eating disorder by telling about my past issues with one, and my dear religious freaks that continue to tell me I am going to hell. I want to make it perfectly clear that I am NOT against religion. It is my belief that people need to stop hiding behind the bible in order to assert their own views. Jesus walked with prostitutes and I'm pretty sure he'd hang out with a couple gays or guys in drag. Is there anything wrong with that?

"Love one another as you would love yourself."

Simply put. So, all of you that hold the bible so dear to your hearts, put down the sign that says, "God hates fags." It doesn't make sense to do so while you're out fucking altar boys and hiding from the law.

I'm spiritual in my own way. I believe that each elemant has it's own way of life. It's complicated to explain so I'll do that one day. All I can say is that I'm pretty much a Pagan if you go by labels. All with a very libertanian within me. We make our own poison.

I think this entry is long enough. Who knows what people will think. Just know that I'm still here no matter who tries to stop me. Hardcore feminists, psychotic religious freaks, and assorted censorers beware! I'll shoot you down if you fuck with me. Try to be original and spell correctly if you wanna tell me how sad I am. Goodnight to all my fans. It's been a great 1,000 entries and hopefully I'll have a thousand more to add. More sex stories, twats, weird thoughts, morning wood sightings, and such to come! Get some sleep!

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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