Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I know I do idiotic things like beat myself up at times. Then there are the times I hate having a cold so I overheat my body by doing push-ups to melt it all out. Don't get me started on how I tend to compare myself to others. All in all, I am still calm. My dad and I are talking little by little now. Just don't ask for a huge conversation between us.

Discovery Channel is airing Shark Week once again. I've loved watching here and there, especially the Air Jaws segment. That was the filming of Great Whites leaping out of the ocean to play with their kills such as seals. It's kind of sad but beautiful at the same time. You're talking about an amazing creature that weighs well over a thousand pounds leaping with amazing feats of strength and agility. Go, sharks, go!

What had me amazed was seeing a shark attack close up on TV. A group of people were filming a segment in which they were surrounded by medium sized sharks in waist deep water. Some of these sharks were extremely dangerous and others not so much. Well, one of these sharks was a Bull Shark. Now, I know from my studies in sharks that Bulls are very dangerous and aggressive. One of the stories I will never forget was a group of kids that leapt into the Mississippi River and disappeared thanks to a Bull (they can swim in fresh water as well). The next thing you know, they filmed the head guy getting attacked by the Bull Shark. Wow!

The good thing about all this is the guy that was attacked bore no ill feelings towards the shark afterwards. He admits that it was scary to see the images over again since he avoided them for over a year. I can't imagine how scary it was! The Bull started by bumping the guy's leg and then very suddenly attacked by yanking off the guy's calf muscle completely. His leg will never be the same again.

One of the most famous images was aired as well. A woman swimming in the oceans off Greece (not completely sure where) was attacked by an enormous Great White Shark. The camera clearly shows the enormous shark pursuing the woman as well as tearing her leg completely off! Now that is scary! I'll never forget that video.

Images asstound you as well? I still cannot get the scenes in the movie Irreversible out of my head. The most gruesome attack is in the beginning of the movie thanks to a guy's absolute need for revenge on his girlfriend's rapist. Then, we get a very disturbing scene of the girlfriend being raped (it's all shown backwards like Momento). I'm not one to censor myself but even I couldn't stomach the rape scene. The actress wanted it to be as realistic as possible so she got it.

It's odd since I was not disturbed by the scene in which the boyfriend seeks revenge. This guy (the wrong one) is pummled with a fire extinguisher to the point where his face is just about flat all while his fingers barely move. It could be all those horror movies in my past that causes this. I've seen quite a few that freaked me out. Funny how people think The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is gruesome. It's nowhere as bad as The Last House On the Left or a few others.

There is a scene in The Last House On the Left where I came very close to crying. I swear this movie has so much to disturb you and drive you emotionally. There are certain things I cannot take in movies, rape and utter humiliation.

So, today? I've got that haircut in a few hours. Sometime soon, I'd like to see House Of 1,000 Corpses since I need something different for now. Irreversible needs to get out of my head soon. Either that or the TV version of Carrie which I loved because Katharine Isabells is in it. It's always the tough girls that I admire. No saps.

Did anyone see Gigli? I'm happy that so many people avoided it. If you're looking to have sex in a movie theater, that's the one to go to since no one else wants to see it. Just make sure you wear clothes that provide easy access. You don't have to worry about getting into the movie since there is nothing to view. Remember to respect the other couples' privacy as well by not making too much noise and wipe off the seats if you spill anything. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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