Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
E! News has been talking nonstop about the new TV show, O.C. I agree in that it is a great show to watch, especially Mischa Barton. I've seen her in past movies, most notably Lost And Delirious. In it, she was a girl witnessing roommates that were former lovers. Nothing like a lesbian disagreement complete with toplessness. We need more all girls schools to help us males think about this along with the short skirts. Passes that dull day by pretty fast.

Gawd, I hate waiting in the doctor's office at times. The time does not pass fast when sitting there with nothing to read. Today, was a bit different. There was a bit too much to read in old magazines. Yes, I dang nabbit had to read some of them girly ones to pass the time thanks to having read pretty much of what was out there.

One lone Newsweek, Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Seventeen, and In Style was all I went through in magazines. Did you ever notice how many ads are in In Style? Whoo! Way too many. The Seventeen issue was pretty old in which Julia Stiles was interviewed. I love her! Then, I had to learn the latest fashions thanks to Vogue which offered nothing interesting. Do we really expect Chanel to make THE ultimate surfboard? Kark, it just aint happening.

Newsweek had the most informative articles on Sadaam's palaces and such. The article on how stupid Americans are to ignoring Bush's pathetic attempts on making America better was pretty much right on the money. The rich get richer and the poor get much worse off. It's sad in how many special education classes in schools are being stopped thanks to underfunding. They were told $40 million but were only given $17 million.

Now, Bush blames the war HE STARTED in which we are really building up a deficit to obscene amounts. Oh, he was only "exaggerating" about the weapons of mass destruction. *cough cough* Don't you love it how Bush thinks it's okay for him to lie but not for others? This is just a huge argument that will bore you. So, I present you with some fluff......

Kim Cattral of "Sex In the City" was caught topless boating. It seemed to offend some people while this was going on at a lake I'm presuming. So, Kim was hot while outside. What's wrong with a woman taking her shirt off? I swear that the laws of this world were deemed by men and only to benefit men. I certainly don't know how the sight of a topless woman can do damage my eyes. Kim may be getting pretty droopy in the titties but it's her right. I've seen guys with floppier ones.

Oh, it's comic book day for me! The geek rejoices. *Mike starts bouncing off walls* Thanks to the return of one of my favorite characters in G.I.Joe, I will be going downtown to pick up the newest issue. It's sad to say but I love certain ones that just make me all giddy.

Some of my favorite characters:

Faith from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Naomi Armitage from Armitage the Third, Ripley from Aliens, Reece from The Terminator, Storm Shadow from G.I.Joe, Lara Croft of Tomb Raider, Peter Parker of Spiderman, Woverine from X-Men, Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (before she got all fucked up), and so many more. The hard thing is for me to remember characters from books. There are some classics that drive me crazy to the point that I love to read about the person over and over. Stephen King's, IT, brings that to mind.

Oh, I forgot to mention the reason I was in the doctor's office. My hearing has been bad thanks to high sodium last week. The hearing test I had to take showed quite a drop so now I have to take a medicine called Prednisone. It's a bitch but I gotta do it. The funny thing is that it's a steroid but not anabolic. I so love to tell people I'm on steroids and to hear them say, "So, that's what's causing all these little muscles to pop out." This is something like the 8th time I've taken Prednisone.

This California Recall shit is pretty funny, huh? Larry Flynt is running!!! Oh, I would love to get into an entry about him soon. Arnold does not hold my interest until I hear his thoughts on cleaning up California. Just because he is a movie star, it doesn't mean he knows his shit.

*I feel like I'm rambling, sorry*

It costs $3,500 to run for governor in California. What I'm curious about is who will win. 195 candidates to choose and not many with ideas on how to turn California around. Oh, but we elected a dumbass president so anything is possible. Sad.

Fun fact of the day: Mike once won a Strawberry Shortcake coloring contest!

Well, I am going to go skeedadle out of here. Can you believe I used that word? I'm so all over the place since I'm on 'roids.

*in Joker voice*

Wait'll they get a load of me. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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