Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
So, you are probably asking, "Why are you back after all that bitching, Hedgehoggy?" Well, I've just gotta tell ya that even though mah pretty blue eyes are barely up, I'm, "DELIGHTED" (as my ex-roommate, Dave, would say) that I'm wanted. Yessirree, this little critter that done well gone down south this weekend for some much needed R & R from da city is happy once again. Then, there were the sweet emails to pick me up off of my feet after much hollering about my anger towards how horrible my entries are. I'll take it that I am just okay in writing. Who cares what anyone thinks!?!

So, I am back and have quite a bit to say. For one thing, I fell in love, found a bit of me that was missing, got my dog tags back that carried my good luck dragon's talon, and got my ego stroked. Can anyone beat that? Maybe, I am a southern boy at heart.

I promise to get into all that happened to me this weekend. First of all, I owe some emails to a few people that I NEED to get back to. One of them starts school again and she needs a bit of pep thanks to the fact that she may end up threatening her roommates again. Only one person can heal this gal's heart with goofy banter about: "Ugly penises," "To which hell shall we send roommates today?", and "Is that really liquor in that bottle or is your mother not coming after all?" Not many girls can keep a straight face when I come to visit. Yeah, sometimes I miss the damn coed dorms.

Lucky for me that not only does this mouth consume alcohol, "girly juices," and Cheerios but also a brain for absorbtion learning. Yeah, we all forget that school was based on getting good grades but I've always strived to know things outside. It shouldn't come to a surprise that when The Discovery Channel started airing a show on Nefertiti's possible finding that I had to watch.

For those of you that are not into what I'm liking, Egyptian history, Nefertiti was labeled a goddess when she became a female pharoah. Quite a fascinating woman that tried to restore the old ways in Egypt. Unfortunately, archeologists never quite found her body until now. Wow! Cool scenes depicting life in the old Egypt had me interested for quite some time even if I only saw the last 20 minutes. I've always been crazy about this time of history thanks to my 7th grade studies. Sometimes, nuns could be cool. Sometimes.

So, once my stinky pits got home, I found myself added to a fave's list! Whoo! You've got some balls!!!! Thanks. It means a lot to me. Hopefully, I will hear from you soon, no?

Well, I must get to what I need to do. I promise an entry on all that happened and such. We're gonna discuss: "Sniffing panties," "Pictures," "Naked Parents," and "When Parents Hug." That's all for now so tune in tomorrow when Hedgehoggy has finally had some sleep thanks to a drinking spree that included insomnia, weird conversations, and no sleep but after 3am. I am so outta here and in a weird state...........of confusion. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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