Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
What can I say? I've been pretty busy lately with new chaos and my own need to keep this mind occupied. I have a limited amount of space and tendency to put up with stupid people so hopefully this will be a good day.

Nothing like a calm morning, huh? Well, mine was a bit and then a little nervousness was there. It all started with me pouring a nice big bowl of Cheerios (with strawberries!) and going into my parents' room to watch S.W.A.T. Yes, that's right! I have this movie that is playing in the theaters in glorious digital widescreen. We are talking about an amazing picture quality. The movie itself isn't bad at all. Colin Farrel and Michele Rodriguez are the two actors I love.

So, life doesn't have to go into movie theaters anymore? That's right. I'm now getting widescreen flicks in wonderful precision to enjoy here at home. I can stop/start anywhere I fucking please while others have to endure crowds and people that don't have the decency to shut the fuck up. Am I a picky bastard? No, I just want to enjoy what I want. So, if you are goind to fuck during my showing of Gigli, have the good sense to keep quiet and clean up those cum stains.

I'll be goddamn'd! Too many fucking college students all over the place today thanks to class being in session on Wednesday. That means me going to Target to get disposable cameras and having to view college girls wearing tiniest tank tops and booty shorts. Too many panty lines and only 2 eyes here, folks. Don't you just love distractions?

I'm a bit moody. After watching about 45 minutes of S.W.A.T., I had an interview of data processing at a medical insurance place nearby. It was just me and 3 girls filling out an application that took a bit long. We had all shapes in there today! There was one gigantic obese woman and we all know how I feel about fat lazy fucks. Then there were 2 girls that were just right, one a bit skinny but looks like she did high school track.

What I just could not stop looking at was the obese woman. She had the clipboard being held by this expanded stomach. Even the buttons on this woman's shirt looked about ready to give. What is it about grotesque that makes you want to scream at a woman like this? I just cannot stand an obese pile of shit applying at a health facility. It shouldn't even be legal, baby.

To pass the time at one point, I counted how many pictures are in my scrapbook. 213 to date. I must have had more fun than I realized. Too bad I didn't keep track of my life in college earlier. Then again, I don't want to make regrets and such since life is made to learn. Fuck the critics and anything else that tries to stop me.

I don't know what else to say. My guess is that you have all learned what bothers me in this world: Rap artists that thinking pimping is cool, obese people, my stalker, and more shit than I can think of right now.

Today, I will start hating "soap." That's right! I'm so tired of this heat in which I feel like I need a bath right after the last one. Sleeping naked just causes me to stick to the bed thanks to hot mornings. My soap is being run down to nothing with me wanting to be clean all the time.

How about Rolling Stone for putting the Olsen Twins on the cover!?! Fucking hell! *spits and then vomits* Now Rolling Stone is fightin' dirty. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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