Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Our house smellls like shit."

That pretty much sums up how our house smells thanks to sick Yorkies. 3 our of 4 Yorkies do not enjoy hot weather. First it was Clyde, then Jethro, and now Ellie-Mae. So far, Bonnie has been okay but I caught her eating a massive load of crap this afternoon. I'm just waiting til she starts throwing up.

Today was Ellie's day of sickness. She's pretty much thrown up on all the 3 floors of the house as well as a couple loads of explosive diarhea that I am currently smelling right now. Having dogs makes you less susceptible of throwing up to things non-dog owners would. Nothing like the smell of shit in the morning, huh?

What a day of waiting? I've had to wait in the doctor's office and then in the waiting room at the car dealership to get my oil changed. So, with all this sitting there reading Time and girly mags, why am I so tired? Oh, that's right! The heat! Fucking blistering heat kept me in a rage and wanting to sit on a fan. You see, I have a hot ass.

The weatherperson cannot get a prediction right. He/she for our local newscenters said rain but NOTHING! We haven't seen rain in a long fucking time. They can't even tell us the weather.

"It'll be much cooler."

Bullshit, you cocksucking fuck! Today was one less degree so I think we should take your furry asses and shoot you all behind my garage. Get something right for once. Can't you see that I'd be less calm if you weatherpeople would predict a bit more accurate.

"It's gonna be so fucking hot that The Hedgehoggy will be farting all day just for a little wind."

There ya go! Don't go trying to get my hopes up. You so do not want to fuck with a polar bear like me. I hiss and then I strike.

Another day of yahoos, huh? Finally, they take that damn Ten Commandments crap out of the Alabama courthouse. It makes me laugh at how people sit out there to pray and protest. Pathetic little religious fucks once again think they know how America should be run.

How the hell did this judge named Roy get the right to try cases all while flaunting his religious babble? I am a firm believer in keeping religion and state seperate. This country was founded to ESCAPE religious persecution NOT to be subjected to the shit n' shibola. Not everyone shares the same religion. The nerve of these religious fucks. I'd love to piss in their shoes and send Ellie with her massive explosive diarhea to give them something to really complain about.

Once again I get made fun of in the gym. As I walked in, there were so many sorority girls that I'm guessing my tongue fell out. Will laughed at me as my eyes widened when I walked by the treadmills. There was one in particular in yellow shorts that was scorching! Even the sorority girl with a beer gut looked great.

So, I had to spend my time in the gym with Will and Jeff trying to distract me.

"Look, Hedgehoggy! There is a piece of ass."

I came to work out. Somehow, I get it done all while Jessica feels sorry for me in how the guys try so hard to make my head turn. Don't you just love the stupidity of being male. I don't but dammit, give me a beer!

The diet? It's okay for now. I'm now eating pita bread with light cheese on top for lunch instead of the usual chicken lunch meat. So far, I like the change in taste and am hoping I can stick with it. Sodium is so yummy.

Don't worry. I am not fat but very well built. The sodium diet thing is to lower this ringing in the ear schtick a bit. When I eat too much sodium, it tends to annoy quite a bit. The problem is that so many foods I love have a lot of sodium.

*Hedgehoggy cries. "No peanut butter. Peanut butter make Hedgie a wittle bit happier."

Well, I am off to do something. Trust me. I always find something in my room of too many things.

Oh, I've got Freddy Vs. Jason to watch soon! I know they make the Friday the 13th movies and Nightmares so dull now but I'm holding out hope. Maybe, I might get a wittle bit scared, just one shocking scene. I know it's a long shot but a boy can dream. Sorry to all those hoping I would talk about penises and vaginas tonight. You know who you are! Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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