Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Hooray for boobies!!!!!!

What is it about tits that drive us guys wild? I mean, I am not one of those that focuses on them but I have to admit that tits are cute. As long as they are small and perky, I love to see them. It's that whole notion of "what we don't get to see, we get curious about," right?

I've felt fake breasts before when I had my little "liason" with a stripper. She laughed at how I just had to play with them when she was fingering the tip of my cock. Fake ones are hard, very hard. Although some fake tits look cool, the feel just isn't there. Then again, I could just ignore all this since I like to suck and lick nipples. What can I say? I guess I'm still under 4 looking for lunch.

Why am I talking about boobies? Well, I watched the first hour of Freddy Vs. Jason late last night. It's okay so far, nothing spectacular. In the first 10 minutes of the movie, we see a very fake set of tits thanks to a skinny dipping scene in which Jason chases down a very pretty woman. Wow! Yeah, we got to see my favorite body part, the cute ass as well.

Next, we have one of my favorite actresses in movies, Katharine Isabelle. I loved her in Ginger Snaps and I don't care what Bald-O says. Katharine is hot! I've always admired independent women. Well, to make a long story short, we get to see Katherine take a shower from above. To me, this is a blessing not to be overlooked. Sexxxy. I would bless each of Katharine's breasts twice and then some.

Sorry about the late entry. It's labor day weekend so that means cooking out. That and the fact that Ellie-Mae, my dear sweet Yorkie, is sick with the shits. Mom said she cleaned up 2 massive piles from "Hoss" today. Clyde and Bonnie also provided by having explosive diarhea first thing this morning. Oh, in case you want to know, the house really smells bad. Be happy you can't smell what I smell.

While I was sitting in my room planning for the week, I realize now that I need to change my workout to make it even more efficient. Once the colder weather makes an appearance, I will be working out a bit harder. Considering how much sweat I have dropped on the floor in the gym, I've had to wait in changing my workout. Those that really know what they are doing in the gym, know what I am talking about. It's not easy.

Some people do yoga, aerobics, and so on. I love weight lifting to test my strength and to provide myself with a challenge. I've been disciplined (Mom would disagree) on my own hand to do this. No one in my family works out so I am expected to lift furniture and such. It makes me special to pick up couches and throw tires in my spare time, huh?

Well, I have to deal with more everyday things as well as finish that Freddy Vs. Jason DVD. Just wanted to say hi to all of you out there that keep checking my diary to see if I've updated.

Oh, I would like to add that quite a few people have found me under "Madonna kissing Britney." Hope all you pervs enjoyed it! I know I did. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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