Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
What the fuck is this!?! I've had 10 people look up "Madonna kisses Britney" and found my diary. Yesterday, it was over 20 people! Geez, all this popularity is scaring me because I really don't want my diary read THAT much. Yesterday's was about boobies, if you want to know.

So, I finished Freddy Vs. Jason last night. It was okay and only a few bit surprises. Nice to see ol' Jason get a little respect at the end.

Just how do you defend two cult heroes lke these? Okay, Jason kills camp counselors and such thanks to his past. He was drowned and ridiculed as a kid all while campers and camp counselors ignored his pleas. Somehow, Jason comes back from the dead for revenge wearing a potato sack (Part 2) and then a hockey mask (Part 3 and beyond). Now, my favorite is Jason considering how much the poor guy went through.

Freddy is a child murderer/molestor. He killed so many kids all while being a janitor at a local school. When Freddy Krueger got off in court, parents burned him in a boiler room to seek revenge. Later on, he came back to haunt the dreams of the children of those parents all while wearing a glove fixed with knives. Neat premise but I only liked Nightmare On Elm Streets 1 and 3 (Dream Warriors). The first one had me so scared and with that eerie music, how could I sleep!?!

So, we now have Freddy Vs. Jason, an okay flick. Love heavy metal? You'll love the soundtrack, then. Lots of things didn't fit in this movie. Jason is not that scared of water! He killed a girl in part 2 or 3 all while being underwater. Gawd, I wish the director would get a character right. Jason does not have hair. Hell, he lost it in part 3 and has been set on fire too many times to even grow any back. Maybe, Jason should do Rogaine commercials.

"Not only do I kill people but I am also a client."

Freddy is dull. He's only scary if you keep him in the dark like the Wes Craven did in Part 1. That was some spooky shit! Then, there is the fact that Freddy is getting much uglier in the face and duller about killing. Why does he always stop to chat? The guy is a serial killer after all.

If you like your movies with logic, don't watch Freddy Vs. Jason. What do people do when they have to be on high alert all while being chased? They get stoned, of course!!! Dumbasses. Kelly Rowland of Destiny's Child in this movie? Ugh. The only good thing was Katharine Isabelle but she was killed too early. It's funny how she hated the movie and won't do interviews for it thanks to it being shit. At least, Katharine stands up for her beliefs.

Well, I'm getting the birthday blues again. It's only less than a week off and I'm scared. I don't have much to show at this rate. I've barely got any sanity left, folks. I'm gonna need lots of love and hugs to get me through my day since I'm stuck here til the following week where I will be presented with beer bongs and pizza. Hopefully, there will be a buffet.

Okay, I have a warning. I'm going to let out my anger towards rap music soon as well as black leaders' bullshit. It's time someone stood up for what MLK's dream was really about. It might offend so you DON'T HAVE TO read my thoughts on it. It's about time more black people took responsibility for themselves instead of blaming others. I am so going to get a lot of pissed off people like I did with the hardcore feminists. Bring it on.

Well, I am outta here. My dogs are getting baths thanks to all the throwing up and shitting in this house. It's a surreal day with it raining and Yorkies in the bathtub, unlike any other day. Relax, folks. It's Labor Day weekend. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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