Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Don't you just love interesting trash? Well, Britney Spears was spotted boarding a plane and losing a "bottle." That bottle was a weight helping calorie thing. I'm sure a lot of girls know what I'm talking about in this. Britney tried to conceal it but a picture was taken and out it goes for the world to know: Britney struggles with her weight.

The result:

Women cheer to know that someone that cannot sing or make her own songs at least can relate to battling weight with them. Suddenly, they embrace this no talent with all the love in the world.

Alright. This should be filed under "nasty." Someone found my diary under the words: "watch my girlfriend poop." Is there nothing sacred!!?!?!? I mean, I must be one of the lucky ones in life to never having seen one of my girlfriends take a dump.

This all reminds me of Cher's song that should have been turned into "We All Poop Alone." Who wants to watch a girl do such a thing? It's like every bodyily function needs to be viewed.

I'm not trying to crumble anyone's cookie but I just don't understand a guy's need to watch a girl taking a shit. It's funny how I don't care if it floats your boat to watch them pee or so on. The one thing that will make me vomit is hearing a guy wanting to lick a used tampon. I'm serious when I say that they are out there Yikes!

Oh, enough of this talk in the afternoon. I'm sure everyone has taken their morning dumps in private today as they should be with a newspaper or the latest US Weekly (it really gets you going thanks to the endless crap of Jello and Ben).

My morning was spent staring at the placemat. Thanks to eating another lovely bowl of Cheerios (with strawberries!), I noticed that when I accidently poured the bottom contents onto it, it all strangely looked like pink cocaine. Nice. All I needed was to find a buyer and I was in business selling Cheerios by the kilos. Think Crockett and Tubbs would bust me on selling a deadly breakfast cereal? The world really wants to know.

Not much of a big deal but I sent another resume out. Hoping it will get me a call. Hoping it's not about bad spelling/grammar. Hoping I work in a white room with black curtains. Hoping I stop using the word "hope."

About an hour ago (as well as getting $2 worth of gas), I decided to get started on the Kelley Armstrong book, "Stolen: Women Of the Underworld." Loving it! Nothing like a strong female werewolf out to save passive witches, vampires, and a half-demon. It really is good!

The book is about a guy collecting people that have supernatural powers. Then, this rich billionaire harvests the powers for himself. Sounds like a lot of movies, huh? Not really. It's a bit better in that I fell in love with Elena (the only female werewolf) thanks to the prequel ("Bitten" soon to be a movie with Angelina Jolie!!!!!). I'll get more into the book since I'm only 50 pages or so in.

The only other thing to say is that I was up late last night. I couldn't sleep thanks to an incredible urge to relive high school and correct all the things I've always wanted to do. The major thought was in beating the complete shit out of the guy that raped one of my friends. It's a long story so one day I'll tell it. I hate that guy so much!

Well, I'm outta here thanks to it being Wednesday and that means comic book day. The geek rejoices and the jock portion decides to let it have it's day. I'm wearing my lucky t-shirt (Cypress Hill's "That Phunky Cypress Hill Shit" on the back in black). Could I be anymore sexy? 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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