Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury."

Well, I am a bit worried tonight. I might have caused a bit of discomfort for my back thanks to a heavy lift. It was biceps/back night in the gym and I did a seated row of 262.5 pounds. That's my new personal record at this point. Now, I'm paying for all this effort in manliness. You see, Jeff wanted to challenge me by doing the same amount of weight on his bench. Guys can be so pathetic and stupid, huh?

Why does no one else see the resemblence in religious nutsacks and terrorists? Paul Hill was executed today and I stood up to cheer. Well, he was killed for gunning down those that perform abortions at a clinic. Paul was so deep into his Christian beliefs that what others thought didn't count.

You see, what I am trying to understand is why religious nutsacks think THEIR religion is THE most important. Paul thought it was perfectly alright to shoot others that do things he disagrees with. Doesn't that sound like terrorists????? Hell, there were a bunch of morons praying outside and holding signs that read: "Free Paul Hill." Maybe, it's just me that wonders these things......

I'm still heated up about the judge in Alabama that thought he had the right to put the 10 Commandments in his courthouse. What about other religions that don't follow this? Didn't we try to seperate church and state? Wasn't this dick told not to do so? How did this fuck become a judge? If this judge thinks that he doesn't have to follow the rules, why should we? Anyone care to add about religious freaks that throw their ideals around whether you want them or not?

I've spent some of my day dealing with forwards. It was okay but some can be so moronic to do. How many times do I have to fill out a forward with "What's your name?" and other crap. Today's had that but also wanted to know the color of my pretty eyes (VERY blue). I just couldn't resist. My eyes are just so pretty.

*Hedgehoggy bats his pretty eyelashes to get the attention of his imaginary friends*

Okay, I am very angry to report that hospitals will no longer be required to to help you in emergency rooms!!!!! That means that if you have a gunshot wound or your wife has sliced your penis off, you gonna die. You gonna die, boy. This is freaky! I mean, I just can't let anyone laying there in a pool of blood just slowly suffer to death. Hell, I can't even drive by a wounded animal (I once stopped my car to direct traffic away from a bunny with a broken leg so I could take it to the animal hospital). This world is getting far worse thanks to idiotic old cruel geezers like Bush.

I watched a little of The Wade Robson show on MTV. I turned it off due to how horribly idiotic it is. That is all.

However, I am liking the Newlyweds show with Nick and Jessica. It's only because I love the house! Wow! It's pretty nice but Jessica is.......uh....pretty awful. The girl does what I hate: shops, pouts, and has to get her way in her little princessy way. The bitch is how old!?!

"Is this chicken what I have, or is this fish? I know it's tuna, but it says chicken by the sea."

*Hedgehoggy starts laughing at how sad it must be to have to put up with conversations with Jessica Simpson*

Jessica Simpson is pretty much the type girl I've had to deal with in my life thanks to them being everywhere. I hated them! Hated them! These girls talk about the most idiotic shit in the world (make-up, shopping, and how to accessorize). Hell, Jessica is shown doing things like shopping for panties and so on. Poor Nick is doing the work and wondering if he should shoot himself. Run, Nick, run!

You wanna know what works when watching Newlyweds? I just mute it and watch when I get the chance. It's not a show I can't wait to see so I catch it when possible. It's good to see Nick not bow down to Jessica's need to have others do her work. Oh, by the way. Jessica is deeply religious. Do you think that means anything? I hear they're pretty loony and out of touch with reality.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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