Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
What can I say? Tomorrow is my birthday and I really don't care all that much. You see, the fact that my birthday falls on this date when everyone is just getting into school always brought about this. In high school, it was near the football games, school starts, or everyone was too busy with something. Kind of like Sixteen Candles with testosterone, huh? Loved that movie!

What am I going to do? Nothing really. I've been wanting a leather jacket for so long that I might as well get one. Black has been found to be my new color once again. I swear I am not goth but have a bit of that feeling inside of me.....sometimes. It could be the movie Underworld that has me in awe. Who knows. I'm pretty moody anyway.

After errands, I went to see Scrapbook Girl. Once again, she is working so much to the point that I may never really see her. Last night, SG worked from 10am til 8pm. She's right in saying there is no time left. It sucks to know all this since SG is fun to chat with for periods of time.

Last night, while on my way to the gym, I parked next to SG's car. I noticed that she had a Scooby Doo symbol hanging from the front mirror. So, today, I went and got her a Scooby Doo magnet and gave it to her on my visit. SG laughed when I did my impression of a "Scooby Doo Dance" that I can barely remember from A Pup Named Scooby Doo (highly underrated). Then again, I alway thought Thelma was hot. "Jeenkies" makes me pop boners!

Anyway, SG has to go home this weekend. I'll see her again next week. It was nice of her to wish me a happy birthday while I was there.

Mom told me that the toad made an appearance again last night. She said that once again, she made the mistake of asking herself why a pile of shit out on our deck was hopping around. Let's face it, my dear mother isn't the most observant but she does have somewhat of an idea as to what is going on in this world. Toads are cool and it's nice to find one that loves us.

Alright, I got the most wonderful note today! I love it when people have enough balls to question things in life. This is what America is about, folks. You question everything. Don't become sheep and roll over every time someone tells you to.

I'm sorry if I come across as a spoiled brat at times. There are times my entries do make me look like one so I will clarify something in the note.

The reason I do not like most pop stars is this:

There's hardly any substance in music nowadays. It's mostly on how you look. An excellent example is Jessica Simpson. We learn from Newlyweds that she is basically a complete moron. Kelly Osbourne is a spoiled brat that doesn't want to work thanks to being given everything she's ever wanted. Britney Spears is celebrated but she doesn't sing in concert. It's like going to class but telling the teacher you won't do the homework.

MTV is to blame quite a bit about all this. You never see people that are labeled as "unpretty" because they are just not good enough to make money off of. This is a good reason I love Garbage. They don't whine "Look at me" as do so many pop stars. Instead, Garbage does what they do best, making innovative videos and singing lyrics too complicated for the teeny boppers out there. Life isn't all make-up and spending your parents' money.

Now, the reason I find Christina Aguilera so interesting is how she does what she wants. At first, I only liked how she looked (oh, she was so cute and tiny!) thanks to okay music. Now, X-Tina had the balls to do the music she wanted to all while under heavy criticism from others.

"If you don't like me, fuck off."

That's the feeling I got from Christina and loved it. Unlike Britney, she actually sings and does things her way instead of having to listen to advisors that worry what critics say. Oh, Christina has put on a little weight but so what? The girl can sing.

Hilary Duff is something I cannot stand. She makes a movie about how style is more important than substance. I think it was called Lizzy Mcguire or something like that. Sorry but that's just sad. Teenage girls are growing up with pathetic things like Hilary. I grew up with Sex Pistols and the brains to know how to look both ways before I cross the street.

We were given a right to question our government. Unfortunately, some people believe those against Bush should shut the fuck up. Didn't we go to war over this?

Bush was given the White House not because of a "fair election" (wink, wink) but because his daddy bought it for him. You are talking about a guy that barely go through college (a "C" student!!!) and lied all throughout (he does have a DUI, folks).

I could go on as to why I cannot stand George but here's a few tidbits......

-We will have worse air quality thanks to his easing of CEO's dispersal of waste

-The rich are richer to help "jumpstart the economy. If he really wants to help, why not give US the extra spending money? Why should the rich get the breaks?

-He choked on a pretzel once. How do you let someone run America if he doesn't even know how to eat?

-Spent 9 months on planning the war but 28 days for after effects. Someone doesn't do his homework (just like college?)

-Blames others. BUSH gave the speech telling us about Iraq having weapons but let others take the blame.

-Doesn't look into renewable energy thanks to investments in oil.

-Doesn't deal with Saudi Arabia thanks to once in oil. Most of the hijackers came from here.

Oh, we could go on! To show fairness, I was mad at Clinton for how he dealt with the Monica incident. He was a good president but Clinton should have told people, "It's none of your business and stop wasting tax dollars to investigate my sex life." Instead, we got, "It depends on what is is."

It's pathetic in how the world is going yet Republicans and Democrats (thieving by making laws protecting them) can't seem to get along over the smallest things.

Who would I want to see in the White House? Ariana Huffington. Yes, a woman! I've seen her on Politically Incorrect and I was always amazed at how she knew the way things run, unlike Bush.

Now, I am a bit run out of steam. Whoo! What a rant! I'm not mad at all but just wondering why we are told to shut the fuck up in criticizing our government. I was once for the war but now that we have found out more in what little Bush knew, I'm against what we did in some ways. Iraqis are right in saying that it's worse now than when Saddam was in power. Damn my social conscience!

I'll just start singing to myself tomorrow.........

"Happy birthday to me.

Happy birthday to me.

I'm full of venom

and I sting worse than a bee." 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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