Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
So, I kept true to my promise! I recently got a new book, a banned one. It's funny how I forgot about the urge to read it when I was a kid. Sad. My mind must be slipping away from being able to remember just about everything.

It's always the banned books that are interesting. At least to me, these things have substance and a brutal honesty that is lacking these days. How anyone can stand a lying politician is beyond me. I'm always up for seeing the gritty side of things as well as the good.

The book is called "Go Ask Alice." Apparently, the book was banned thanks to its very frank discussion of a 15 year old's descent into drugs. The author is unknown since it is a true diary found somewhere and put into print. Diaries are always fun to read so this one should be good. I'll start later today once I feel the urge to just sit in the sunlight falling from the window in my room.

Another book got my attention and should not be a surprise to anyone reading this. "Underworld's" paperback novel came out! Here I was walking in Barnes with "Go Ask Alice" and had to decide on one. I'll get "Underworld" on Friday to read on my way south this weekend. Don't you just love a dark horse that gets you all giddy?

While in Barnes, I at Britney Spears's interview. It's in the British issue of Elle. Nothing interesting came out of her mouth but I do agree with her that going to bars every night gets dull. Britney says she must smoke thanks to the vibe she gets while recording her new CD. Oohhhh, she is so wanting to sound "edgy," huh? We'll see. Once again, the pictures of Brit are nice but she really should not talk. She has nothing to say.

So, music downloaders are being sued. Interesting. Now, I don't download music, just movies in the theater. What makes me laugh is how I know this is stealing. Yes, it is no matter how much you think it is not. It's just that I have a different take on all this.

Here goes........

You pay $8 to $10 to see a movie, right? Well, almost all of that money goes to the studios. Movie theaters make almost all of their money from concessions and a very small amount from the showing the movies themselves. Who's ripping off who?

The way I see it is that seeing any movie is a complete rip-off. Why should a star get $20 million? Oh, because the public wants to see him/her, right? Wrong. I, one of the most sane idiots out there, want to see a flick that intrigues me as well as tickles some part of my brain. It's the studios that put out such crap like Dickie Roberts, Gigli, and so on that think Jello should get a huge amount of money. Sad.

What bugs the hell out of me is hearing movie stars say that they did this/that movie because they loved the character. What!?! It was for money, you lying dipshit! Exceptions are movie stars that do ficks for the fun and to try new things such as Eliza Dushku and Scarlett Johanson. There's a few others but I've forgotten their names since they are not in pursuit of fame.

If anything, many moronic stars dumb things down. Witness Benny's "acting" in Daredevil. Only Jennifer Garner and Colin are worth seeing. Michael Clarke Duncan is pretty interesting as The Kingpin. Is it just me or do I see movie stars as greedy whiney pigs. Even Katherine Hepburn had something to say about that in her biography. Thank you, Katherine.

The music industry has been ripping us off for years! I'm surprised more people didn't speak up. It used to cost less than a dollar to make a CD but they were sent to a price ceiling of $19!!!! Whoa. Who's ripping off who here? It's also funny how the time recorded on a CD is close to 1 hour. A DVD is at close to 2 hours. CDs now cost quite similar to DVDs. Am I the only one that sees this?

Another point. Music artists don't even seem to put much effort. Ever listened to the whole CD? Not many are worth it. Who can blame someone just wanting a few songs instead of paying for the shit they don't want to hear added to it?

Believe it or not, music artists would put so many good songs on an album instead of just 1 or 2 great songs. Ever heard Pink Floyd? Led Zepplin? Old Beastie Boys? Public Enemy? Don't tell me you don't listen to them because they are old. These guys didn't make music to have just money n' bitches like most artists these days do. There are exceptions such as Evanescene and Coldplay (I love them!!!!).

So, in all fairness, both sets of people are wrong. Downloading is stealing but the record companies are stealing as well. To remedy all this, people should be charged at a price cap of $8 for a CD. Who says an artist actually deserves to live in a 5 star hotel with 3 to 5 hookers while stars of the 70s used to survive on regular hotels? Who says Snoop deserves to walk around with women chained to him in gold collars as he attends the VMA awards? Not me.

Do I sound mad? I don't know. I'm just sick of shows like MTV's "How To Live Like A Rock Star" (very addictive, though)and then turn on the news to hear of people starving or our school system is in chaos. Fred Durst does not deserve to even talk on MTV. Gah! Nice new video, Fred, but a bit psycho.

Well, I am outta here. Wanna add to this rant or tell me I am a fucked up dipshit for saying what I've said? Line up because I know I've pissed someone off out there.......... 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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