Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Like Oprah's thong, I'm stuck here for the weekend. Bah! I hate having to watch my spending habits thanks to an insurance bill due soon.........

What a day in the music world! Johnny Cash died and it definitely flooded my mind with memories. My dad used to play Johnny's records at the time I was just a little tyke. Yeah, me listening to him and also knowing who The Sex Pistols were at such a young age makes me pretty well rounded.

My guess is that music has pretty much been played all my life thanks to my dad. His old record collection may be gone now (garage sale) but it'll remain in my head forever all those songs from "The Man In Black." What an amazing rebel Johnny was back then and most likely still will be. I'm just not sure if I would automatically think of him in country music since I saw a bit of other stuff within him.

We couldn't go south since my grandma called and said she had the "shits." Yeah, she has such colorful language skills, huh? The reason that is such a big deal is that my grandma likes to go shopping for the hell of it and if she's gotta go all day, it aint gonna happen. Grandma don't poop in public stools.

*I'm kind of snickering at this statement*

Went to Wal-Mart and ran into a guy that remembers the day I worked there. Ugh. Never work for that store, people. It's run by evil slave drivers counting all the pennies on the backs of people that are forced to work there. I'm glad I quit there thanks to a woman that would not stop hitting on me. Hedgehoggy does not need a blowjob from a 36 year old woman with 2 kids and is MARRIED! The shock on your faces must be priceless. Then again, girls probably know how evil other females can be.

I would like to point out that Wal-Mart's parking lot is open 24 hours so I could have received all the blowjobs I could get. Aint gonna happen. No way. Not even if she offered me a Tootsie Pop afterwards.

I'm kind of moody and tired right now and I'm just not as inspired to do an entry right now, folks. Bald-O might be coming by tomorrow thanks to the factor of him being in a town about 20 minutes away right now. He's visiting one of my college roomates. That reason I am not there is because that college roommate needs someone to talk to now so I'll leave them to it. Besides, I'll see Bald-O soon enough.

So, I will definitely get back to my usual insane sightings within my life. It's just on temporary hold at this time thanks being all out of balls. I've gotta go add a fave since she's pretty cool to read as well. Any advice from her on Hot Topic Girl? 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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