Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Well, I tried to do the "Pup Named Scooby Doo Dance" but I just could not do it. How does Shaggy move his feet like that? It's impossible! My detective skills are amazing! I figured out that it was the security guard before anyone else! Gold star for The Hedgehoggy!

Someday soon, I will have to put my car's tape player out of it's misery. This is not good in the fact that it has become choosey. No longer will it play my blessed 80s Ballads but will only allow Martika's "Toy Soldiers" (great song!!!!). My tape player makes all my decisions now all while laughing at me:

"No, we SHALL listen to New Kids On the Block once again! Oh, let's get really risky and start playing Milli Vanilli's "Girl, You Know It's True!" That will put you in a great mood, Mike!!!"

My constant need to scream and then sing along to Rob and Fab while wishing I had cool dreadlocks to shake my gosh darn cute face and flex my powerful buns is scary, folks. Damn my tape player and it's awful sense of taking my sanity. It's almost like listening to Jello on repeat for a 4 hour car ride and 6 sorority girls complaining about their pads needing to be changed all while no rest stop in sight for hours. Scary. Very scary.

I know that someday I will get a CD player for my car. It's the fact that I am so used to something that it takes me a while to go for something new. Only on occasion do I really get adventurous with breakfast cereals. I'm not kidding! I could go for years eating Cheerios with strawberries. Too bad they don't put little toys inside cuz I'm a prize whore. Just how low can I go?

Walking out of the bank thanks to the need to get rid of $7 in change by getting cash (just how do they do THAT?), I notice Monarch butterflies. Aren't they beautiful? As a kid, I used to catch them and then set them free. Sometimes, a Monarch would rest on me such as my knees or shoulder. Ol' bug boy here appreciated such things and even studied them. Too bad I've forgotten the difference between a Viceroy and a Monarch. It's something to do with the wings. Anyone?

I'm a die hard Cubs fan so I am hoping this is our year to go to The World Series. Please, please, please, please. It's so hard to say, "Maybe next year" year after year.

Baseball is best when it's pure. I know a lot of people on Diaryland didn't play sports but I loved baseball since I played in college for 2 years as a catcher all while breaking my right foot. There's something about just being there lost in a game and not paying one bit of attention to the surroundings. You'd just have to be on that field to understand the experience.

Met two new girls in the gym tonight! Whoo! The names are Amy and Jill. Amy is interesting in that she is very beautiful and kind, especially in how she pays attention to the conversation more. I'm not interested in her romantically but just fun to chat with here and there. Will was laughing at how it's easy for me to just talk to certain people that other guys find difficult, unlike guys that just stand there to stare.

Jill is more interesting to me. I don't know what it is but she seems.....clumsy. I like this for some reason. Perfection is so boring. Anyway, I couldn't help but notice her red shirt with a slogan on the front. Jill saw me reading it and pulled the shirt down so I could get the words missing. Nice of her. So, I'm guessing that I will run into Jill again soon so we'll make weird faces at each other.

I'm glad some people left me notes telling me that they liked the poem. It's not mine but an unknown author wrote it. The next thing ya know, people are exchanging it on emails so it ends up in my Inbox.

College is a bit crazy in that there are hard times and a lot of good times as well. I took that poem and placed it on the wall so I could remember a life back then of what it talks about. Yeah, I really lived and was so carefree to dream big. Everyone should remember the child within. Again, the poem is in the entry before this so thanks for telling me your opinions. Too bad, I didn't write it. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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