Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Lose yourself to feelings.

Live out the pain."

My car's tape player is now pozezzed. I know that the word is spelled "posessed" but this is a bit different. You see, not only does my tape player hate my 80s Ballads in which it will make a delightful noise to show it's displeasure but it also fucks with my mind. Yessirree, while I was rocking out to Martika (shut up) on my way home, my tape player kindly rewound it back to my favorite songs, free of charge. Wow! So, today, at least for now, it is now not on my shit-list. Picky tape playing bastard but kindly pozezzed.

My thoughts turn to what my car's tape player would say to me......

"Your mother listens to Don Johnson in hell!"

"I shit like Kermit!"

"I.P. Freely. Freeeeeeeeeely!"

Once again, I am in pursuit of a major wardrobe change. I know you don't hear that much from guys but it's about time I threw out the old white t-shirts with the sweat stained pits (today's color is "yellow") and tiny holes slowly appearing. I've done gone out and bought 2 whiteys to replace those about to be thrown out. Maybe, I should just cut holes in them and tell everyone I'm starting a New Wave comeback. Gawd, I am so 80s and proud.

Of course, white t-shirts will look good with my new black leather jacket. I'm slowly exploring my "rocker look" or "tough guy with a Twinkie" attitude. It's hard to explain since you'd really have to meet me and see that beyond this scowl is a really sweet guy. I may spit venom but that's only to people that are false to me as well as others.

"I'd rather people hate me for who I am than love me for who I'm not."

Limp Bizkit's new video is quite disturbing. I hope they don't get other males out there to sniff women's panties. It's funny to see Fred talk about such a thing. Then again, I am also shocked to see him make a fucked up video in which he kidnaps a girl and tells her of the obsession he has. Why did Fred have to put Thora Birch in there!?!?! Am I the only one that finds Limp Bizkit's video a bit out there in the wacko department.

It's funny to me in how Britney Spears admits in the new Rolling Stone that meeting Fred Durst was a mistake. I could have told her how fucked up he is and how he seems to have a disturbing hatred for women. There's just something off about him. Look for Fred to appear in a prison outfit someday.

The outlook is squeaky nice for me. The boys and I will hopefully be attending an Alan Jackson concert in Novemeber. Of course, this will all take place in my hometown in which we can sit back and just see a guy play the guitar. Mind you, I'm not a country music fan so it's more about just doing something with the crew since we don't get to see each other much during the fall. Southern Illinois boys are pretty tight and we drink. It's like Alan said........

"Just pour me something strong.....I'll be there."

For all of you keeping tabs on my need for some lovin, Hot Topic Girl is married!!! I was shocked but not to the point where this bugged me. You see, I really like her so I'll continue talking to her as a friend. Unlike Fred, I will not kidnap her and subject HTG to what Limp Bizkit calls music. Nah, I'm gonna keep her laughing and amused at my useless knowledge of real music.

The work on my "tat" will come since HTG says it will happen one day. Everybody's so busy with things and I just need to be patient. Grrrrr. I hate waiting but I've got things to keep my mind busy along with a pozezzed tape player that is sending me signals about how lame my music selection is. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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