Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Say there, Howard, there's your Chinaman!

Thanks, Fred."

Oh, gawd. I laugh so hard when I see the movie, Sixteen Candles. Mind you, I haven't seen the whole thing in years thanks to my "non-TV watching" capabilities of passing channels while watching the latest Cubs game. The dialogue? Perfect. The humor? So amazing in how it fit. Politically correct? Not completely and that's the way I liked it. Fred talked like any other Uncle we've had complaining in some way about a nationality that drove him crazy. Here's to that crazy uncle for causing us to roll our eyes.

"My little brother paid a buck to see your underpants."

Really. I haven't seen Sixteen Candles in so many years that I forgot how the original soundtrack was not allowed til now. I'm pretty sure I have it so I'll check after this entry. Someday, I will add this wonderful movie to my now slowly expanding DVD collection.

One of my favorite lines as a kid:

"No more Yankee rum drinkee. The Donger need food!"

I'm gonna sound materialistic but those of you with a favorite article of clothing will hear me out. My absolutely favorite shorts have 2 holes and one is really expanding at a fast rate. The other? It depends on if the hole gets caught on the doghouse outside and tears since I don't realize it. Sad.

Of course, it could be that my shorts, or a giant tent (Hey! I like 'em big and baggy) as some have called 'em, have been through a lot of good times. I've spilled beer on 'em, kept change thanks to 100 pockets, and even farted in them once....okay, maybe twice. What can I say? I'm a sentimental bastard and proud. If you don't like them, you can eat them.

No more of my addictive TV show, The O.C., til late October (baseball playoffs and the Cubs are in them!!!). You should see me in the gym in which I rush through my workout to get home and watch. That's a sure sign of an addiction that I don't care to admit. Girls, I love this show!! It's got a hot lead girl and a hilarious sidekick with all the witty comebacks.

Yeah, I went to the gym earlier than usual (22 minutes) so I didn't have to watch the 2 clocks neatly placed on the walls (leaving and going). I was more at ease tonight than usual. Amy was there so I talked with her.

It was nice to talk to Amy but there was a catch. She was using the "Ass Blaster" machine behind me. While I was standing to rest after doing my "chicken legs," Amy asked if I wanted to use the AB.

"Boys don't do that," came out of my mouth.

Amy laughed and agreed that she has never seen a guy use a machine to work the ass muscles. They also don't do the "parting legs machine" cleverly located in front of mirrors to cause interesting accidents for those looking to get a view of a woman's "Palace Of the Himalayas." I hear it's nice in there.

It's funny how we have a set thing in the gym. Girls don't do certain things and guys don't do certain things as well. Don't ask me to break down these barriers since I'm happy just grunting to the latest dance music blaring on the stereo (That is LOUD shit!) making me wonder if I am in a bar or a gay disco.

"It's raining men!!!"

Oh, there have been ads place in the gym for nude models needed for an art class at my old college. $10/hour for only 4 hours a day. I'll be damned. I'm looking for a job but I'm just not gonna do it. It's tempting but I want something in an office and not feeling air conditioning going up my butt.

Okay, I did read the Britney interview and I've gotta say that it just shows how moronic she is. Sad. What I do think everyone should get the new Rolling Stone for is to read the article on George Bush by Paul Krugman. Damn, this boy got it right in how ol' George got the media looking as pathetic as it is nowadays. Hell, Paul even names the guys on our side in having balls to question the policies placed before us. Funny how I knew some of this already.

Maybe I'll get into the Britney interview later on. It's that scary in how she has nothing to say. Not a damn thing. Hey, shoppings cool and very "in" this year. Britney says it's the best way to cure the blues.

I've got a taping on a behind the scenes show of the movie, The Underworld. Am I the only one obsessed with this flick!?! Let's hear it for the dark crowd getting their due, huh? Fuck all that Dickie Roberts shit and anything with Jello with Beniffer! Let's put the children to bed and go looking for dinner and a movie not labeled for kiddies and a metal soundtrack to pound out the bullets wizzing past. Werewolves and vampires aren't always very nice and I hear they smile only when hungry. Frankly, I can relate.

So, tomorrow, I'm gonna go chat with Hot Topic Girl and somehow wake up with a sore back (bending over to pick up 100 pound weights does that but I FEEL it the next day). Sammy, I hear ya. Send Emeril my way and we'll both kick the shit out of it. Goodnight and don't let the vampires bite. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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