Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I'm not a fan of waiting and waiting but only if it's for something I love, I'm a patient little fucker. Today, it's the morons that have no idea how to drive all while attending the college football game. These 40 year old has beens hog up most of the road with their SUVs all while thinking it is THEIR time to be in the middle of the road all while it's red so no one else can get by them. Got it? Don't get me wrong. I love football and the blood I shed on the ground was priceless. It's just that nowadays the game is so overhyped and pointless with money being the sole need to play.

I am eagerly awaiting to find out if I now have Underworld on disk to watch. *licks lips* Gawd, I'm going so crazy over this movie that I'd do anything to attend the movie's actual making of. Give me a game in order for me to lick Kate Beckinsdale's rubber pants, boots, or whatever. I'll win and be transported to Europe to see the place where roads are brick and funny looking werewolves haunt the night.

Maxim's Blender puts out a great issue!! Fuck Rolling Stone's selling out to the pop crowd and it's mindless morons. Pop isn't awful or anything but just too much makes me sick to my stomach. All that whining about how hard it is to:

-live without the significant other

-money issues when you are already making millions

-that I "can't live without you." Whatever.

Oh, I could go on forever. No one pays attention to people that actually make music unless MTV says it's "cool" and that the artists are "hot."

Wanna know a weird thing? I was walking around in the bookstore earlier this year and saw a picture on the front of a guitar magazine that caught my eye. The band was called "The Distillers" but the lead singer really got my attention. Her name is Brody Armstrong. Whoa! I felt a little extra beat in my heart, folks.

I'm sure my friends would think I am a complete freak and all. Jock, comic book junkie, and so on is attracted to really out there band's lead singer. Well, it shouldn't surprise you folks since I've had a deep admiration for tough girls since the day my first kiss nailed me in the ribs at our soccer game. What can I say? Outspoken and ballsy girls are hot!

Well, Maxim's Blender has an article on Brody Armstrong and I think she is so cute. She'd probably stick with me with a switchblade for saying so but I admire her. Now, I have yet to read the article since I tend to skim mags when I first get them. We'll talk about Brody later.

R. Kelly is in the issue as well. Once again, this moron that likes to pee on little girls talks about how hard it is to be him. Am I the only one that wants to flatten this guy with a 100 ton keg of Fat Bastard's piss? Again, I will deal with this topic once I read the article. If I start crying for him, shoot me, please.

Now, if you are a fan, hear me out. Trucker hats look ridiculous so stop wearing them. If Aaron Carter, the little brother of one of the Backstreet Boys, is wearing one, I think it is time to put them away. They are the tackiest hot accesory since Mariah Carey's booty shorts. Yuck!

I've been thinking of my soundtrack for life. Maxim's Blender asked rock stars for their ideal ones. It's such a tough topic but I'm gonna open up my need to sounds and do mine. The rules are that the mixed CD has to have only (!) 12 songs so think hard, really hard. I'll get back in on that as well.

Sorry about how short everything is as well as all these "to be continueds" but my mind is on other things such as laundry and my Underworld book. I promise to be back with a nasty rant on everything as well as a good read on Brody Armstrong. Whoo! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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