Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"I throw peanuts at old ladies."

Gawd, I am so glad that I get to sleep soon. My allergies have made many days almost unbearable thanks to the sleepiness even at the start of the day. I've always said that those living without allergies are some of the luckiest in the world.

I'm feeling like an old man today, folks. Considering what I put into the gym tonight, I may as well just deserve it. It was back/biceps day and I put as much as I could all while trying to stay awake. My hands have enough callouses thanks to skin peeling away. Add that to the pain of an old inury and we have ourselves a survivor. No one can misplace pain better than me. Then again, I wasn't too bright when it came to what is actually good for me.

So, I arrive back home, pour myself a bowl of Cheerios (with strawberries, of course) and turn on the ol' boob tube. Well, ah do declare that it's time to catch up with the ol' white trash self and watch wrestling tonight!

Yup, right when I turned the dangnabbit TV on, I get the amazing scene of watching a woman headbutt into another woman's crotch. Ouch. My advice is to do that a bit more nicely and some foreplay.

It's strange to see a smile form on my lips watching two women fight. There's something about being male that we like to see chicks go at it. Could it be our secret love of lesbianism or is it just to see women bend over and flash a bit of thong or camel toe? Who knows? My grandpa sure gets a kick out of chick-fighting.

I'm sure you are wondering what the hell I am talking about but just turn on wrestling to catch up with the ol' Hedgehoggy. It's some of the strangest shit in the world. I've seen an old woman take off her clothes (yes, all of them), people jump off of balconies, fights in the crowd, and even a milk truck shooting milk into the ring. My jaw dropped when a 250 pound guy bodyslammed a little old lady once. I'm hoping that many rednecks out there don't ask their mom's to join in a little "rasslin" in order to copy what they've learned. As long as they bring a frying pan, they should be able to kick the shit out of their kids.

Just why are the Hilton sisters all over the place!?! They do nothing but show up at parties. Paris is stunningly gorgeous but when I saw her in a car with the most hated man in the world (good ol' Fred Durst), she lost any possible points with me. Good looks don't account for brains when it comes to being famous.

VH1 does this segment on the Hilton sisters along with E! and countless other shitty tabloid turning shows. What happened to substance. I know wrestling isn't much but it's better than just some blonde who shows everyone that she shaved her twat before entering a party. Why do we have to know about spoiled fucks like them?

One of my favorite quotes was from Paris recently. She said that she is not spoiled and then proceeded to go into detail about all 9 birthday parties for her on her 21st. The catch? All 9 parties were all over the world on that day!!! Somebody needs a real spanking.

At this time of year, my thoughts turn to women's soccer. It's also fun to see since women tend to be more vicious out there (except in England where guys actually squeeze their opponents' balls). One girl came up to my local college's teammate and smashed her pretty damn hard. Hedgehoggy looked for a foul but nothing. Go, girls, go! No hair-pulling, just smack her up. Like I said before, it's fun to see women fight but I've only seen one actual big smack 'em up girlfight in real life. Sad but true.

My diary has been found under "eating out girls." Oh, that makes me feel like I am some sort of expert. Alas, no, I feel a bit more like an amateur when dining on the fine delicacy of twat. I love it and it's a must when it comes to good sex but I don't wish to discuss the subject right now. All I can say to those boys our there (as well as some lesbians) is to have a fast tongue and to ASK HER. It's the biggest fucking mistake in sex that guys never ask the girl what she likes. Some like their clits licked in a fast motion and others slowly. How pathetic are we in that we don't communicate?

I am so loving my new black belt. My mom saw it once she got home from work and laughed since it does seem out of place with me. For one thing, I am so vanilla in how I look, traditional football shirts and such. There are no chains, metal on boots, or flashy objects telling you that "I laugh not because you are different. I laugh because you are all the same." You have to admit that that quote is pretty damn good considering how so many people are wanting to be exactly like everyone else. This wasn't so much the case when I was growing up.

*Great entry on the telling the goth guy the time and ranting on the A & F wearing starers, Sammy. I'm sick of people that think a certain shirt or pair of shorts will make them better.*

A guy wrote a book called "Sex, Drugs, And Cocoa Puffs" in which he talks about how people are mimiccing people they see on The Real World and other shows. My thoughts on this are that THE DAMN REPUBLICANS ARE FUCKING UP EVERYTHING. Bring back the weirdos!

Alas, I am as perishable as Jessica Simpson's mind so I must rest. I just know my back is gonna feel like shit tomorrow. This would be a good day to be in college, wake up, and then get stoned. I'd sit around mumbling, "Ahhh....fuck it." 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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