Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I'm sitting here eating a banana and drinking a big glass of water (beer, orange juice, and apple juice is all I ever drink other than water) thinking about the day gone by. Today is was one of the busiest days I've ever experienced and it isn't even over yet!

Somehow I drag my smelliness out of bed at 8:45am to place my sore feet on the floor. Lifting 100 pound dumbbells can cause this. Anyway, I forgot to take a long hot bath after last night's workout so I had to mumble to myself whether the stink was me or something else. T'was me.

There's just no time to get all freshened up since my brother hogs the bathroom for almost an hour. *Boys aren't supposed to do that* With another grumble, I just put on last night's clothes and hit the bookstores, errands, and so on. People don't talk to those that reek and I was just fine with that. At least someone was happy to see me.

Got to chat with Hot Topic Girl once again. It's so much fun seeing someone that smiles big time when she sees me walk in to the store. I told HTG about my Underworld disk that is being worked on and she wants to see it as well. The problem is that work has been hell on her lately. I'm guessing it's been the hours given to her thanks to this being her only 9am start for this week. HTG may be cute, funny, and so much fun to talk with but she is married. My luck sucks sometimes......actually.....a lot.

Nothing like getting a few retro t-shirts to liven my mood up. One of them has the old Yoo-Hoo logo on the chest. The other retro shirt is a picture of Darth Vader on the chest with the caption: "Who's Your Daddy?" A geek's sense of humor is just fine. I'm not wearing my new t-shirts til the start of a brand new week. I'm now at over 7 new shirts, a badass belt, new socks, and a leather jacket. My guess is that I'm hip but I'm not a trendy person. I just go with what I like at the time for me.

Oh, I tackled the ol' closet big time yesterday. Bonnie got to go on one of her field trips by being in my room for the second time. For some reason, it scared her as I dealt with my closet by tossing out shirts for an hour. The closet hangers were flying and clanging as I tugged each shirt out. Most of my stuff ended up back but some shirts really had to go. If you are ever down, try sprucing things up in a closet. Memories came back as to how certain sweat stains formed on shirts.

Once I got back from errands today, I came across a nasty smell. Clyde crapped in his kennel to which it was even on the walls. Somehow, I calmed down and cleaned it all up while he and Bonnie ran around outside. You don't wanna know how bad the smell was since it was really bad diarrhea. The orange spray was in heavy use to rid the cloud all around this downstairs area.

There's no ranting and venom today since I am pretty worn out and ready to leave in about 3 hours to go south. Bald-O, on the phone, was so happy that we'll finally be getting back together for a weekend of just us guys. Oh, there's gonna be drinkin'.

So, if you've missed my diary while working on massive loads of homework or just want to read about how embarassing people are in my gym, grab a cup o' joe and take a look back at my older entries. Let's just say that I saw more "wet spots" than a Jenna Jameson porno and too many sights of flabby men gone wild with jump ropes. You'll be glad you came along with making all those deadlines (missed hearing my faves' updates), kids.

So, I bid adieu to all you fair Spanish ladies. I bid adieu you ladies of Spain. For my ship has come and I'm gonna sail out to Boston......oh, hell! I'm a gonna head on south with 4 Yorkies and my mother. Gonna be a long day. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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