Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I might consider myself a bit odd in how I avoid things I should be doing because what I did was 300 push-ups all while NOT wanting to look at the job ads. Really weird, huh?

It's true in that I do little things to get away from what I should be doing at certain times. I'll clean my room, complete with dusting. Next, I might take the dishes out of the dishwasher and place dirty ones in. Most of the time, I like to run with my dogs outside but it was raining today. Now, I have my last resort, to tinker around on Diaryland.

It's a cold day thanks to this weekend's drenching of rain and storms. Personally, I love it since I get to wear long sleeve shirts or sweatshirts (not yet) and lounge here downstairs not feeling guilty at enjoying my taping of Survivor (Go, Rupert!). Of course, I'll get the little snap of my dogs (Jethro mostly) all wanting to go outside to run in the cool air. Out of all this, I didn't really accomplish anything worthwhile but I'm gonna do it once I'm off this.

I've also got more forwards to deal with. Love some of them but hate most. Ones that get a bit repetitive are annoying such as:

"What's your name?"

"Have you ever set a body part on fire?"

"Bacon bits or croutons?"

I try to fill them out when I feel like sitting down in front of a screen with nothing relatively interesting on my mind. The problem is that once I get a question #10, I really start to get interesting.

"Mickey Mouse"

"Yes, when I want my feet warmer thanks to feeling cold at night and wanting to feel like a marshmallow on an open fire."

"Salads suck. Men like me don't eat salads and we also don't die on toilets like Elvis. No bacon bits or croutons for this weird-o."

What makes me laugh is Amanda's reaction to the things that I type. Imagine what it would be like if I drank. Oh, the horror of what comes out of my mouth. Just wait'll they get a load of me.

The thing that sucks is my Hotmail account gets 30 emails a day but 10 to 15 are porn. I am just not interested in some girl that can take a horse's cock in her mouth. Hey, maybe I'm normal after all!

*Hedgehoggy slaps himself on back knowing he does not need to see a woman suck off a horse, unlike some people.*

Well, it may be a crappy looking day to some but my Chicago Cubs have won the N.L. Central Division! It's been a long time for those of us in loving this team. 1989 was the last time we even had hope for the Cubs in getting to the World Series.

*A squirrel is scampering around in my backyard as I type this*

Well, I'm off to deal with what I've been avoiding. Bah! Looking for a job sucks at this time. All I can say is that I hope my old workout partner, Joe, is having fun with his new job of stripping for little old ladies and bachelorette parties. I'm so tempted to wiggle my dick for peanuts. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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