Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I've been chuckling to myself thanks to a forward sent to me by my conservative friends from college. One of the questions was: "What is your favorite smell?" What I put was: "A juicy hairy wet twat." Oh, to see the faces of Amanda and the gang as they read my answer to such a question. Yes, some twats smell pretty bad but most are pretty damn finger licking good. Oh, did I offend you? I'm not sorry.

Finally, I finished Underworld. It's not bad but some things are missing that could explain the movie more such as the history of certain people. I can see why critics call Underworld a bit confusing. Wish the vampire/werewolf guy had sprouted wings like he did in the book. The ending was too quick for 2 of the mightiest warriors in facing off.

I wish to send a pox onto my mailman for not sending my Entertainment Weekly on time for the second week in a row. Damn this fucker for not letting me read and see my need to find anything worthwhile in Hollywood. EW is one of the best magazines ever produced thanks to slick writing and nice photos to back it up. I've gotta have my fix........

On my way to my need for another belt, I was rockin out to some Phil Collins thanks to me borrowing my mom's tape. Let's see......I sang along to "Against All Odds," "Don't You Lose My Number," and another one that I can't remember the title of. Yeah, I still have my concert t-shirt in which I was in the second row to find that little bald dude singing next to me at one point. I just don't see why people make fun of good music at times.

As I said, I got a new belt along with a hockey mask. The hockey mask is hung up on my wall to which I will be getting Freddy gloves to add next to it. My room is getting to be dark and fun to see eyes dart all around. There is so much stuff to see and touch. Maybe I should be a decorator.

Don't you love it when people color their hair? The guy that I bought this stuff off of had it as well as about 6 to 8 piercings around his face. Nice. The once conservative boy in me is receding at a rapid rate to which my friends will suddenly find him gone. In his place will be a guy still facinated with symbols but with a taste for the dark. Ah, but he still holds a special place in his heart for Alf.

I'm lazy in a sense. The reason I want another belt is to have one for each pair of pants so I don't have to switch or put one on again and again. Then again, it could be a new sensation that I have yet to understand.

My mind is all over the place today. I'm materialistic in that I've wanted to get new clothes for so long but couldn't figure out where to begin. Now that I do, I feel like that is all I am focusing on. I know it'll be over soon but I'm so laughing at how I've changed. We'll see if it comes out good. Maybe I work for the Dark Forces in some way and the armies marching into the night. I could just be nuts, ya know?

It's a nice day to think about the times I once had in pumpkin patches for some reason. I miss the wonders of being a kid as to how the farmer's " orange balls got so big." Yeah, that's what I used to say in my time of innocense. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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