Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I know that I will pay dearly for tonight's workout thanks to overdoing it once again. You see, once I hit the gym, I wish I could just go home. The problem is that 15 minutes later and I'm having the time of my life lifting, talking, and laughing. This is my crack, kids.

"Can I borrow your underpants for 10 minutes?"

I'm still cracking up over seeing about 10 minutes of Sixteen Candles once I got home from the gym. The sight of Sam's grandparents in her bed thinking that the guy calling her to ask her out is a "breather." Gawd, can you believe that it really was an innocent time back then? That movie is so going into my DVD collection sometime soon.

Just why have I not added so many classics to my DVD collection? I still need The Breakfast Club (incredibly funny and beautiful), Sixteen Candles (every character made me laugh at some point), Predator (One of the few Arnold movies I cannot get enough of), Dazed And Confused (if you did not see this movie in college, something must have been wrong with you)and so on. I pretty much have everything.

Speaking of Arnold, I am wondering if Californians actually think. The polls showed him leading in the candidates for governor. Arnold is going to fuck up the state as well!


-has no experience

-gives no plan of action

-only debated once to which he was "terminated" by someone better (Go, Ariana!)

-wastes fuel with his collection of 9 Humvees!!!!!!

I don't know how to say this but WAKE UP CALIFORNIANS! ARNOLD IS JUST A MORONIC MOVIE STAR THAT DOES NOT KNOW MUCH AND KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT HOW TO RUN A STATE. where was I? Like I said, getting up tomorrow morning will be hell on me. It was back/bicep night to which my back will be sore and worn out while waking up. What I'd give for a massage.

Target has a sale on 2 Fast 2 Furious on DVD tomorrow. Laugh all you want but I loved the first one since it was a hell of a ride. The Fast and the Furious was idiotic but so much fun to watch and yes, I have seen it over 10 times.

"I live my life a quarter of a mile at a time."

I've sort of been around people that trick out their cars thanks to my little brother doing his. The issue is I'm not one to waste $100 on a set of wings and all that to make it look even better. If I had millions of dollars, I'd do it. One of my roommate's friends had his car in the first Fast and the Furious to which you can see at the first street race. Pretty cool, huh?

It's funny how I wish I had the brains to work on cars. Let's face it. I'd give Vin Diesel a run for his money in how I look all greased up in nothing but shorts bent over working on an engine. What the hell am I saying? I'm just too modest and would most likely wear an oversized t-shirt.

Of course, Bend It Like Beckham will be out as well. Do not walk to see this amazing movie. RUN! It's so fucking good and it makes you feel all "smooshy" inside. After a little moronic testosterone from 2 Fast 2 Furious, get in touch with your feminine side and cheer on this girl that fights back against family traditions.

*We all love Sammy and the brown people!*

Well, to my weird judgement tonight, I found myself in Scrapbook Girl's shop for about 10 minutes. She was closing up and about to head to her place. It was nice how she was so happy to see me and my goofy mug. *It could be that I smelled of sexy sweat* Someday, I'll be able to see her outside the store once she gets time. I'm not going to wait but SG is fun to know.

This entry is dull because I am so wiped out. My insomnia from last night added to tonight's workout, and my excitement that I will finally get to see all of Bend It Like Beckham has gotten to me. I'm suffering from something that I have no clue over. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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