Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Oh, it was hell to stay in the gym tonight. Hence the word "stay" because there weren't many people there and I just cannot stand Mr. Blow-Up Doll training with his minions. People that think they are gifts to others are what make me pissy at times. You don't wanna know how many times Mr. Blow-Up Doll lifts his shirt up to look at his stomach every time he sees a mirror. Oh, we've got mirrors in my gym!

Somehow, I got my workout done while being bored out of my skull sitting or standing at the time. Discipline is a tough thing but I do it well.

Oh, we've got a bit of controversy! It seems Mr. Rush Limbaugh has once again shot his mouth off on ESPN. Now, I hate this guy but I do find it sickening that he was basically forced to quit all because of something he said.

What Rush talked about was how a quarterback was overrated thanks to just being black. Here's the thing, though. This quarterback is one of the few blacks in that position since most play offensive lineman, defensive tackle, and so on, just not quarterback. In Rush's defense, I must agree with the rating of this guy as being good. However, I don't think it's all because this guy is black.

This brings me to a huge lashing out because it makes me think of all the shit we in my town go through thanks to having some of the dumbest black people. If you so much as critcize how these people act, you are labeled as a "racist." I'm fucking sick of all this! Black people in my town can say whatever the fuck they want to say as well as hurt our school system but whites are to remain silent towards this thanks to the fear of being labeled.

My mom teaches in a school where blacks are forced to be bussed to the school she teaches thanks to a settlement in which a bunch of moronic black "activists" (actually, they sit around and then start shit but don't look at themselves or what their actions do to kids) forced our school system into complete chaos. Black kids that DO NOT do their homework are given passing grades for fear of the race card being played. The parents just want to drink malt liquor and let their kids hold up school buses (I'm not kidding about this) or yell at my mom for the kids not doing their homework. It's just a fucking fact if you look at the records for the schools here in my town. It's almost all blacks that do poorly but blame the teachers and only a few whites that do this. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

To be fair, it's not all black people, just a fit amount that sure are annoying. One of my friends in the gym, Harry, is one of the greatest black guys I've ever known. He has voiced his opinion that what this town is going through is complete shit thanks to morons. It's too bad nobody has the balls to fight stupid people since being labeled a "racist" is a very serious issue.

*Note: You can label me a racist if you so desire but I am sick of people that think they have the right to fuck up other people's lives without looking at how awful they are. MOST black students do not do any homework but just play video games and whatnot since all they have to do is play the "card." Fuck 'em!*

Well, I'm calmer now. Later on tonight, I saw Scrapbook Girl's aunt. I talked with her for a short bit since I haven't seen her for a while. Oh, I like her since she has a bit of personality like me. No, you pervs, I'm not interested in her. It was just a short chat in which I've been told to bring my scrapbook by on Monday.

I'm not surprises that the aunt told me how Scrapbook Girl is so shy. It's obvious but to hear it actually said is better than just assuming. How can someone so cute be this way? I did tell the aunt that I'm taking this slow to bring her out more to know her. Am I sweet or what? Any advice, folks?

I'm *leaving* tomorrow to go south. Let's hope it actually happens and since my dad will be at work, that's a very high chance! The fat ass will be gone so my mom and I will be able to leave!

*Hedgehoggy high-fives himself*

I can't wait to see the boys and my grandma. It's been a long time and I need a cold beer along with a drunken conversation. Theres also wedding pictures to pick up! That means more pages to the ol' scrapbook! I've gotta sleep, guys. My anger kind of wears me out. Sammy, tell me I'm not a fuck-up for saying the things I said since I feel bad anyway. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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