Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Gawd, I've had a nice day even though I feel kind of out of it for some odd reason. It's a bit hot out today and this all makes me uncomfortable. I'm not sure why but I guess my body is ready for the coolness in the air now. I'm tired of sweating while walking down the downtown area to get to the comic book store. The geek side needs to be quenched even if he has to walk in the daylight!

While getting fuel, I must have just completely stared at this girl walking out of the bathroom. This beautiful redhead with short hair and a nose piercing walked by me as I handed the cashier $2. There was something about her and my eyes continued to look her over as she walked in front of me while both of us left.

I'm not normally like this but I just had to look at this redhead. That's one of the major hair colors that gets my attention. Brunettes would be next. My guess is that it's the redheads' fiery temper that get me going. Who knows? It could just be the thought of exploring a red bush as to being something new.

One thing that did amaze me was how this redhead was dressed. It was a cute summer dress and when I see something I haven't seen in years, it grabs my attention. My hopes diminshed as she got into her car all while saying something to her friend whom looked at me. I guess I forgot to roll my tongue back in.

To which I come home to the smell of shit. Always when I am in the middle of doing things, Bonnie has crapped in her kennel and I have to clean it up all while trying not to faint at the smell. Yeah, it was that bad! It's cute how Bonnie tells me she is sorry by licking my right ear all while taking her out of the kennel. Dogs do show feelings, at least to me.

After I turned in the application to the movie theater, I stopped by the old bookstore in our town that has been rated the best for over 10 years in a row. What I like is how quiet it is and I can be left alone all while reading magazine after magazine. It's basically a very liberal type bookstore but it doesn't carry Playboy like it did when it first started out. That's okay since I subscribe as I have since I was 14. Everything else, from High Times to Heavy Metal, is there. Playboy isn't carried since the store doesn't have the kind of security to look after who is reading what and a lot of rich kids with too much time tend to tear up stuff. Bastards!

While in the store, I saw a retarded girl with her escort. It's been a while since I've seen a girl such as this. You can't help but wonder what she thinks and what it's like to not control your motions and emotions. Even me, with as much patience as a panther stalking the mouse, I don't think I could handle taking care of the retarded girl. Of course, that amazes me in how her caretaker has this ability.

That brings me up to a thought of mine: why are things made fun of in saying they are "retarded?" It's kind of an odd word to use just like calling things that suck "gay." There's nothing wrong with retardation or being gay so why use those words? Just a thought.

Oh, I got my first $2 bill in a looooooong time. People used to hoard them in thinking that they'll be worth a lot of money. We 80's people laught at this since this was big at that time.

My Entertainment Weekly came today so I'll be reading that later on. I'm off to take the older Yorkies out to run wild. Hence, these 2 (Jethro and Ellie Mae) are the ones that have not gotten it through that poop goes outside NOT inside the house. Grrrrr.....or as Jessica Simpson says: "Dropping some kids in the pool." Ya gotta love morons.....sometimes. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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