Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"You know where you are? You're in the microwave, baby! You're gonna get eaten!"

What a night! I stayed up to watch the Cubs game and had a blast. That was one of the most thrilling games I've ever seen since the 5 game series with the Cardinals in September. Thrilling and yes, I was on the edge of my seat cheering while my parents were down the hall snoozing away. If the Cubs go to the World Series, I will most likely get myself a nice t-shirt to wear and look like an actual fan instead of wearing my usual white t-shirt with nothing on it. Tonight's game is at 7pm and I'll be watching that as well.

I've gotta confess that Newlyweds is a definite guilty pleasure. It's like the perfect lazy Saturday afternoon show to watch a deranged, lazy blonde live her life. Just how did she get this far all while being as dumb as that? If you hate yourself for feeling lazy, just watch Jessica Simpson show you the true meaning of "laziness."

What always drives me to the show is the house and seeing what they own. It's so fascinating to see how people with too much money complain about having too much money. Personally, I don't see much of a problem with sunken in couches, plasma TVs that don't take up much space, gigantic living room space, your very own workout room, and more clothes changes than a theater romp. I'd go crazy just exploring the area.

The local university is playing Michigan State at this time. Michigan is killing them 28 to 7 and I don't care. You see, this local university talks all this bullshit about education all while cutting funds yet upping the head coach's salary to over $400,000. Fuck you for telling me to pay a shitload of money those that tell me such shit. For my money, I hope Michigan kills them so they take a good long look at themselves and the perks given to the head coach.

Oh, we're getting the world's largest adult toystore soon. I recently saw the sign on the way to the bookstore this week and I laughed. It's surprising that they are putting adult store so close to the mall but I commend it. If you can put Hustler in California, you should be able to do it here.

Most of our porn stores are in the seedy areas. One is near the university "protected" by a fence. I don't know what they are protecting but it's not customers. Newman and I went there when we both turned 18 and I still remember it to this day.

"Dude, how old are you? 18? Let's go to the nudie store! Cool? We'll go after school!"

Oh, the look on Newman's face in which I told him I would go to the big adultstore with him makes me laugh to this day. He was so happy that someone could go with him since it was a worry as to people recognizing us.

If you've never been to a nudie store, it's......interesting. My eyes were all over the place, dildos, pictures, videos, and a shitload of nasty stuff.

"Swank," "Hustler," "Barely Legal," and "Swingers" were just a few of the recognizable titles. Unfortunately for the store, it's just not my cup of tea. Really. I've never really gotten into hardcore crap in that I like a little hidden. You walk in the store to see a woman with her legs spread wide open while putting all kinds of weird things in all her holes. Playboy, which is not porn to me, is looked to as nothing special there. Sad. Why not treat women with a little class than as just a fuck-hole?

The people in pornstores generally don't speak to the other. It's just common courtesy to not let the other know you are there as well.

"Oh, I see you like "Big 'Uns! Me, too!"

The look of horror on the person's face s he tries to concentrate at the picture of the wet twat before him is priceless. Think of a blind person at a bingo parlor. They don't fit well.

I'll get more into what I've seen at the local porn store. It's been so many years since I first set foot in there but like I said, it's not my place at all. Watching girls pee, insert tampons, guzzling cum, and being fucked in all holes is just not my thing. I'm not denouncing it but.......I'll explain more later on.

Today isn't very good since my mom is pretty sick. That means I have to help out in several things: errands and cleaning. Laundry day is today so that just adds on. Ugh. Unlike a lot of guys, I appreciate her. Just don't tell her that since I like to drive my mom crazy. It gives here more energy. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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