Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
This had to be one of the quietest Mondays ever. It felt like all I did was float here and there without sound as I went from place to place. Hardly anyone had anything to say or an emotion to let out. It was just so quiet.

However, it did smell funny. Once again, my gym time is disrupted by the same fucking Pakistani dude taking my piece of equipment when I'm working out. It drove me crazy to find my backrow machine was being used by Pakistani Dude back and forth. He doesn't even understand how to use it and because of this irritation, I will not help him.

This is my problem with Pakistani Dude: he doesn't wear deoderant and smells pretty bad as a result.

Okay, now I have something to say that may cause a bit of irritation. Now, I understand that people come to this world and enjoy what we in the U.S. have but certain things must be abided. One is to learn English. The second is to abide by our customs like we would in visiting theirs. That means bowing in Japan along with leaving shoes at the door, enjoying the Red Light District in Europe without yelling at how people should put some clothes on, eating chocolate in Switzerland and not complaining about the fat content. I've always understood these things since I like to know what other people in the world do.

When people go to the gym, they generally put a little deoderant on to keep the sweat from stinking. There are exceptions such as a heavy work day. It also means wearing different clothes each day to keep them from stinking.

However, Pakistani Dude thinks that he smells good. He does not. First of all, PD takes up my piece of equipment and tends to leave an odor cloud that I must deal with once I am back on the equipment. It is not a small one but a rather large one.

Second of all, a lot of help could be for PD to change his shirts when he comes to work out. All week he wears his fucking cow shirt called "Going To the Moovies" to which I am wondering just how bad that damn thing smells. Grrrrr.......

There was a gym I used to go to when I first started out in going to a gym. It was one of those fancy schmancy ones thanks to the all exclusiveness of working out near fat rich women and their obese husbands. Oh, it had a sauna and whirlpool but I'm not one to hang out with naked sweaty guys after a workout. Think of all the germs! One time I saw a guy blowdrying his hair all while his penis was touching the sink. That's not good.

Anyway, at this gym was this Muslim guy that reeked so bad that you could smell him 2 rooms down. He comes in after work and starts working out in a button down white shirt and long pants very seriously. The pores dying to release all this water had to be bursting on him! We avoided this guy as much as possible but to no avail. The place stunk when he was in it or nearby. I quit the gym (not for this reason) and started at the one I am now soon enough.

The point is that there are certain customs one should abide by when they come to America. It's just rude to me in that a potentially stinky environment a person would not use some kind of spray or deoderant to mask the sweat or smells coming out. Nobody wants to sit next to someone that smells like ass.....or do they? My dogs would love them, though.

One thing I've learned from MTV's "Cribs" is that celebrities without their writers are just not funny. That's what I learned when Macy Gray comes out to show her house.

I'm also sick of seeing Hummers in celeb's driveways. Out of the 16 fucking cars they have to have one to show off. At $200,000 and a waste of gas, I've had enough of hearing about them. Saving the environment is better than massive egos.

Mister Religious called. I have not called him back because I'm more interested in hanging with people that aren't looking at me as "someone to save." I'm Pagan and proud, baby!

Oh, Mom is making fun of my "pink" slippers. She's calling fluoresent slippers this color for some reason. Hey, it takes a real man to wear something like this but my socks are still intact. My mommy makes fun of me but I can take it.

Oh, no Jill tonight since I finished in the gym early. My body wasn't really into it so I just got it done and I be gone. It could be the smell that overwhelmed me thanks to a stinky Pakastani or it could be my own mother dissing my slippers. Bring it on, people. Neither stink nor words can break me down for I am beautiful no matter what they say. Don't ya just love ending things with a Christina Aguilera song?

16 days til my diary is locked!!! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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