Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I've got a confession that shouldn't be much of a surprise. You see, I'm a sneaker pimp. Problems arise because of this in that being one is a bit expensive. My taste in a lot of things, especially retro, run up a big tab at times.

Everyone knows I love Air Jordan shoes, right? Well, a pair I never bought thanks to my quitting the shoe obsession temporarily (aka "school comes first") is coming out this Saturday. It's a wonderful day to once again build up on a stupid obsession of me wanting black/red shoes that you will rarely see on other people's feet thanks to Air Jordan retro shoes being rare.

What makes them hard to get is that Nike allows only a set few of each size and then that's all! Sold out? Wait a few years. Damn you, Nike! I'm a sneaker pimp and I need my fix.

The issue is that I am good with finances. At least I hope so. When I first started college, I majored in accounting so I know how to figure out how much I need at times. Ugh. It's the worst thanks to having to study a bit too much. I'm more of a friendly goofball in that I need to let out this with people at times. Dammnit, you should not be studying all night. No! Hedgehoggy drink beer and shake ass to MC Hammer or die in misery.

*I'm kidding about the MC Hammer thing*

So, I've noticed on my monthly taking out of savings that I have to not spend for 2 weeks to get the new Air Jordan retros. Do I sound weird or what? This is not what guys do!! I should be out drinking and finding myself in a ditch at 3am all while being tickled with the barrell of a farmer's gun thanks to fucking his daughter.

Another big factor is that I may be leaving next weekend to go south. It'll be great to see the gang but the shoes may be sold out!

Bald-O's right. We've changed and it aint good. Remember when I mentioned how he and I sat out on his back porch and talked about how much we missed college? What happened to us, man? I'm thinking more about what I'd do to my future apartment, clothes, and how jealous I am of other guys' marriages (I'm sure they are jealous of me being able to do anything I want without having to answer to da wife)in that they *seem* happy. I've got a weird conscience at times in that I know I'm an idiot but do it anyway.

*Bangs head on computer*

So, my countdown to owning a pair of Air Jordan retros is less than 7 days. Did you know kids skipped school and caused riots for these shoes? Geez, I'll kick all their asses if they fuck with me! No little 5th grader will give me problems.

Anyway, I got a new book today that's called........"Sneakers." It's pretty nice to see other people that share my problems but holy shit! I've seen so many of these retro shoes from Adidas, Vans, and so on. They even have a section on what The Ramones and skaters wore to start a trend in sneakers.

Remember Spicoli from "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" when he hit his head with a shoe? ("That's my skull!") That's a Vans slip on one that I'd love to have (checkered in black n' white).

It's funny how I hear guys complain about how many shoes girls own. I don't know what the fuck they're talking about because I, as a guy, can never get enough sneakers! From what I remember right now, I own about 8 or 9 that I still wear. Others are just too damaged from wear n' tear.

I love it when it's quiet downstairs here. No noise from the TV thanks to my little brother thanks to him sleeping. The little shit never got me a card for my birthday so it's no wonder why I'm not close to him. It shouldn't be much of a surprise that I won't see him when I move out. The selfish little shit never invited Mom over to see his apartment long ago when he first moved out. Sad little punk.

I'm kind of grumpy for some reason as you can see. Right now, I don't even like my entry.


So, I sit here at home bitching for now. Bald-O's got similar dilemmas except he has to also coach girl's basketball all while not doing what he does best. Drinking. I laugh at that since beer is a part of his nutricious diet but this is good for him. Bald-O's got a hernia that will be operated on in November and I want him to keep his system a bit cleaner. Damn thing looks fucking freaky near his belly button but he does love to show it off in calling it his "2nd penis." I've got weird friends.

Ever seen "Celebrities Uncensored?" There's just something creepy seeing a 50 year old guy making out heavily with a girl half his age. Blech! It was Joe Namath and this model on a smoochfest for that show.

Another one that makes me gag is Hugh Hefner hanging with 7 girlfriends. Now, I admire Hugh for so many things but to see a 70 year old guy with girls my age is just gross. Picture your grandpa with 20 year old girls and you get the idea. Wonder what the conversations would be like considering Hugh being full of knowledge but the girls.......lets be honest. They don't have much going on upstairs.

You know who I want for an autograph? Forget all those stars like George Clooney (he's pretty cool) and the stars of "The O.C. I want a black n' white autographed picture of good ol' Tammy Faye Baker. Ever seen Tammy cry of joy to be asked for an autograph? It would look so nice with all that mascarra melted in the ink.

Well, I am outta here. Gawd, I sure could use a cold beer with Bald-O soon once my hands are on that pair of Air Jordans. I'm a sad individual on a shoe leather high but a good hearted sneaker pimp and I'm okay!

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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