Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
People killed for them. Kids skipped school for them. Riots happened when they made their debut. Status is sometimes known all because of them. However, no matter how hard he tries, a white boy like me still can't dunk in them.

Air Jordans. Yes, I got my pair that I've been pining for since late July when I found out what ones come out each month. Damn, I'm happy and relieved that I actually got this black/red pair of kicks to which I had to spend a good chunk of savings for.

So, here I was waiting outside the shoe store well before 10am but inside I saw some shit that kind of pissed me off. There were about 5 black guys in the store before it opened buying shoes. Yes, I saw a couple of my AJ's being rung up. What the fuck!?! What about us!?!

Sweat began to drip off me as I paced back and forth like a panther in a cage. Air Jordans are only released at specific dates with only a limited amount allowed to be bought. There was no way I was going to lose out after waiting for months on my favorite brand of shoes.

Another guy came up behind me, a Latino wearing a white pair of Air Jordan retros. He didn't come alone since his son and mother were with him. I got a little more nervous and asked him what size he was looking for. "12's" was the response. Whoo! Good thing since I'm a 11.5 in shoe size.

When the cage lifted for people to enter, I told the nearest seller "11.5" and was awarded that actual pair to try on. At first, I thought the shoes were kind of ugly but pushed the thought aside. I waited so long to which I just wanted to get it over with. Tried 'em on. Bought 'em. Over and out to which mission accomplished.

As I made my way out of the store, other people, mostly black males, began to enter asking for the AJ's. The early bird gets the good shit so I just walked off, got in my car, and left all in the rainy day that is today.

Yeah, it's pretty rainy and dreary today. To me, I kind of like it like this. There is no way I'll wear my new shoes outside at this time due to mud and such but I still like the look of the area. There's leaves here and there along with very green grass.

My Yorkies are now bringing leaves into the house all thanks to them getting stuck in their hair. Clyde likes to munch on them like salad while Bonnie chases the ones that fall. What they bring in the house is another matter. We have leaves on the floor thanks to my dear Yorkies bringing the ones stuck to their butts. It must be that they don't dingleberries the way other dogs do. My dogs wipe their asses. Bonus!!

Well, I've learned something. If you are an Oscar award winning actor but you have not been in a good movie for years to which people are forgetting about your best line: "Show me the money!" just play a retarded person to gain back that credibility you once had and avoid anything with Horatio Sanz.

Yes, that's right! Cuba Gooding Jr. is in a movie called "Radio" in which it's a true story. It drives me crazy when actors are awarded AUTOMATICALLY for playing a person mentally challenged. Hollywood loves to show how it loves people like this but in reality they just shoo them away. Why can't you have an actual retarded person play a character like this?

It's like this one actress that happens to be deaf wondering why a hearing actor is given a role to which she could have played. Good point.

There are exceptions, of course. I know people will groan but I loved Tom Hanks's "Forrest Gump." There were all these inside jokes and little things with spirit that had me drawn in. Tom did a really good job in not necessarily making me feel sorry but wanting to know Gump.

Okay, I cried. Yes, I cried at the end of Forrest Gump when I rented it all thanks to someone insisting I see it. The death of Jenny had me to the point where tears came down my face like a motherfucker. It was embarassing and I had to leave the room when my parents' watched it at the point where she was going to.

It just bugs me how naive Hollywood is in its portrayels of mental disorders. Although I have not seen "Girl, Interupted," I have seen little pieces that tell me how good it is. Others just piss me off in that they do these kinds of movies to get awards (awards = box office gold!). "Rain Man" and "Children Of A Lesser God" were soooooooo good. See? I don't necessarily just watch movies where shit blows up real good. I'm into everything.

Leonardo did not deserve the award for "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" That one bugged me and still does to this day.

Of course, I have my love of mindless Hollywood hoopla! I finally finished "Wrong Turn" and found myself liking it. Sure, it is a bit short at 84 minutes but the chase was entertaining enough. If you are squeamish on blood, beware. There's a lot of it to which even I was suprised.

My only problem is that the movie goes by too fast in how everything goes. It's like you can sum it up in:

-car crash



-spooky house




That pretty much sums up the whole movie. Yes, I loved the beautiful ladies involved, from Lindy Booth to Eliza Dushku. Eliza is my personal fave since I love a girl that can kick ass and not just lay there screaming to tell the axe murderer where she is. Nosirriee, she kicks and fires an arrow just as good as ol' Hedgehoggy here all while looking good in a white tank top.

Of course, we all know about my love of MTV's show, "Camp Jim." Not too long ago the episode was on a guy that had perfecitonism getting in his way. All he did was beat himself up and not have fun when he should have. That's me and once again, I'm not really liking my entry. Pathetic? Yes. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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