Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Wish I could just lay in bed til 1pm the way my brother is doing right now. No matter how hard I try, I have to get up at least by 9am or I just feel completely lazy. It's sad. Really.

On the other hand, I'm done with things by mid afternoon while others are just getting up. I can sit back and laugh as others are making their ways through crowds and such. All I had to deal with was little old people hogging the roads or slowing us all down thanks to some fucking sale at Wal-Mart. How you can go 15 mph is beyond me.

Then again, my little brother could be sick thanks to it being flu season. It's been a long time since I've had the flu. There was that 2 day span in which I, yours truly, threw up 23 times in one day. I'd love to find that entry again to relive how awful I felt.

Of course, we all know what music's been playing in my house due to my obtaining the amazing music video set of Guns N Roses. Unfortunately, it was not recorded in 5.1 Dolby Digital sound. That's just a small gripe but it would be nice to have all my speakers playing "Estranged" at the same time I'm banging my head to relive the old days of musical extravagance in which MTV once played music videos that actually mattered.

To which we are going to be subjected to the princess of pop more than I care for. Britney will be everywhere soon thanks to her CD release in a 3 weeks. Bah! I hope it flunks and finally people relize that Britney is not what music's about.

I know there will be some people that disagree with me. Hell, I like a few songs by ol' Brit ("Baby, One More Time" and "Boys") but if you just stand dance to a lip synched song, why should people pay $50 to see this?

Good ol' rock from the past is where it's at, at least for me. I'm amazed at how kids today dismiss it all as "dinosaur crap" thanks to the age. Please. Aerosmith and Elton John's music will be around a lot longer than the fluff put out by O-Town or Britney. AC/DC still plays in my head to this day.

My dad's working on cleaning up the movie, Kill Bill. Is that the flick of the Fall or what!?! Lucy Liu looks great but I like her bodyguard with the school girl outfit trying to kill Uma with a ball and chain. Can't wait to see that fight. Underworld still gets to me as well thanks to a great fight with pistols and werwolves in black leather.

Not too long ago, I was in the bookstore to which I noticed one on Donnie Darko. Now, I did not know a book was created to explain this amazingly complicated and beautiful movie! Wow! I'll have to read it sometime when I get the chance. If they had something on the movie, Equilibrium, that would be an added bonus.

If you've never seen Equilibrium (Sammy, you must see this) and love Matrix style thought, you've gonna love this flick. Let's just say it makes you wonder what it would be like if you were not allowed emotions all while having the government rule you completely. In my opinion, I think we are well on our way to experiencing this kind of life.

So, I'm suddenly not so much in the talkative mood. If you had seen me last night, I would have suggested you sit down and had a long chat here in the dark on the couch to my left. I've got all these little things to let out but at certain times of the day, I don't want to speak.

I'm going through weird feelings. One minute I'm all goofy. The next, I'm calm and very quiet. Must be the cold on its way here.

Sex is playing in my head all day, from my experiences in college to what I've learned from friends. I miss it and this would be a good day to just lay in bed and make love til the weather warms up. All while playing Guns N Roses, of course!

You know what's interesting to me? I find sex is similar but in different wording between the sexes. Hmmmmmm....should I go into another long entry on my opinion of this? I'm not sure yet.

Oh, it looks like I will be locking my diary for some time, maybe a couple weeks or so. I've got things I'm not willing to share with just anyone anymore. Let's see........5 days til I lock this thing?

So, if you want to continue reading me, I'll have to email the passwords. You don't have to read me. Only those that place me on their Faves List get to. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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