Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I'm supposed to drive my dad someplace in a couple hours. He wants a DVD recorder so he can copy DVDs easily. It's gonna be weird having stacks and stacks of movies in our house after each trip I am forced to make to good ol' Blockbuster. Fucking hell!

I've gotta be honest. I'm not doing so well thanks to chest pains all of a sudden. I'm not sure what brought these on but it's scary to me. My heart is not quite as strong as it should be so I'm most likely going to have to change my workout to focus solely on that.

A while back, I had chest pains to the point that I had to visit a doctor. What she told me shocked me! My cholesterol was so high that I was forced to lower it. Hated every minute of it thanks to having to stop eating what I normally ate at school. Dorm food was never good for me but I couldn't just stop thanks to it being all over the place.

Just because you are skinny, which I am, does not mean you are immortal. Heart attacks do happen to us thanks to excessive things. Bald-O's got a hernia and that worried me. It's funny when you look at it:

-Bald-O drinks, smokes, chews, and eats a lot of fast food.

-I work out 4 days a week, don't smoke (used to for 1 year), don't chew, and drink here and there. Hell, I haven't had a drop of alcohol since my last visit down south.

I'm a bit worried about myself to the point that I realize I need to change my habits. There will be some running in my workout so I have to figure out how to place this without spending too much time in the gym. Don't worry. I'm real good at scheduling what needs to be done. I just need something to keep my pecs in place while I run the treadmill. Have you ever seen girls run those things!?! Boobs are all over the place! Most guys love this but I find it more funny than erotic.

Christmas. It's my second favorite holiday next to Thanksgiving. Once again, my mother goes all out to which I want her to calm down more. She wears herself out and then starts bitching. My mom does not listen to me once she's in a mode of focusing.

What do I want for Christmas? Not much here but I'm getting antsy for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle game on the Gamecube along with Rebel Strike 3. Always love to dog fight enemy Tie-Fighters in space along with slicing up the usual Foot fighters in New York.

The main thing I want is my car to be completely fixed up. I need a fuel filter and a few other things so that I can start driving south on my own. Something like $620 worth of things need to be done to my car to the point that I feel safer driving it for over 2 hours. I miss my buds down there thanks to living in a town where I feel like I'm the only one here.

Gawd, I laugh at how things are advertised to the point that I want them for Christmas! Gamecube games and an X-Box would be nice but there's all kind of toys to place on top of my TV. My love of butterfly knives has me interested in getting a new one or two. I'd love to get rid of my old speakers and place new ones for the front. Oh, I could go on and on! I'm not necessarily materialistic but sometime I get caught up in what's presented to me. Oh, I'd love it if someone got me the newest Girls Gone Wild DVDs advertised EVERY FUCKING TIME I TURN ON THE TV! No, I do not need a "personal hair removal kit."

I feel like I'm hoarding things like a squirrel come winter. I'll have so much stuff to the point that I won't come out til Spring. Trees will be alive and fill the land with music. There will be a naked Hedgehoggy running around and shaking his weiner to all the cars that pass by in disbelief. I try to make everybody's life a little weirder.

4 days til this diary is locked. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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