Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Don't you hate it when holidays come up and you have nothing planned? Oh, shut up! You're probably all snug and ready to visit house parties on campus to which I *kind of* miss. Seems like the only time it's a bit too much fun is when you're underage. Beer drinking when underage is so much more rebellious than sitting there of age thinking it's no big deal.

"Oh, there's a cop at the door? Why are you running!?! Don't leave me, guys!!!"

It's not that big of a deal but Halloween this year falls on a Friday night. That's why. I'd rather be trashed in Bald-O's trailer wearing my hockey mask after running around the small town wearing nothing but an apron and carrying a chainsaw and a six-pack. Oh, we like to start rumors since gossip spreads like wildfire in small towns. Oh, but check out the hairless buns on the Hedgehoggy!


For some reason, I'm reminded of a night where Halloween fell on a Thursday night and I had a massive test to take. It was just me and this black girl studying in the tower. The two of us would look out the window every now and then to see other students attending bars all while wearing costumes. Needless to say, I really hated that night but I passed the test (whatever class it was in) and made it through the night.

Another issue is brought up and that's the latest bills to be paid. My gym membership is due soon. Just this morning I had to pay $91 for a sticker to my personalized license plate. *always interesting people in a driver's license facility* It seems like every month has something big to pay off thanks to wanting to be original with one of my many nicknames to drive around town with and my need to feel fit. Being myself is important.

Those of us that enjoy the religion of Wicca (embraces all walks of life) know that Halloween is the changing of the seasons. It would be more important to me but my mind is cluttered with so many thoughts that I'm not one to read into the religion right now so don't count me as an expert. I could recommend a friend that knows quite a bit.

It would be nice if someone just gets a hold of me to get me out of the house.

"Hey, Hedgehoggy, let's go to see Alien at the theater since it's a big special edition with new footage."

Oh, yes, thanks to the marvels of our past horror flicks, we get new re-releases in the theater to transfer us from our own mundane lives. Yeah, I'd like to see Alien again since when I first saw it at the age of 5 and I was frozen. My mom still makes fun of me when I saw that movie and just would not move at all. To be honest, I was scared but I was also confused about a few things in the movie. The age of 5 is not the time to show flicks like that to kids unless you don't mind them getting zero sleep and screaming at the littlest sound.

*Don't ask about what happened when I saw Jaws a year later*

I'm not a selfish little turd so I'm wondering what I should get everyone for Christmas here and there. My mom is pretty tough to shop for since she doesn't exactly specify anything. Mostly, she moans about how awful things are instead of seeing the bright side of life.

Since my brother did not get me a card for my birthday, he gets nothing. I'm not cold or uncaring but I'm not very nice when someone doesn't take the time to notice. From my experience, my little brother is such a selfish little prick in that he never invited my mom to see his apartment when he moved out a while back. Geez!

My dad? He's so hyped up into his room with the computer and burning everything in sight that I don't talk to him much. My dad's selfless but also selfish at the same time. His health is important but he seems to not care how much stress this puts on us. On the other hand, he does things for so many people. It's also hard to do something for someone that never says "happy birthday." Geez, I'll never be man enough in his eyes.

To which it's time for a rant........

This week is National Pornography Awareness Week. *hearty laugh* To me, this is all a waste of time and a big hypocrisy note. I ask this:

If we humans are made in God's image, why are we so disgusted with nudity?

A lot of things bother me in religion as we all know but I wonder why the sight of a penis or vagina will make us all go crazy. When I was a kid, I came across many Hustler magazines that show a bit too much of a vagina in gynecology mode. You know what? I think I turned out okay. I'm pretty sure. Okay, I'm downright for certain that I'm a sweetheart even though I saw a lot of twats. Better?

Now, I know penises aren't exactly something that everyone wants to see but they're a part of our anatomy to which we should accept. What I wonder is how the couple Adam and Eve lived when they first saw each other. Most likely scenerio:

Adam: "Stand back! I don't know how big it's gonna get!"

Even when we were kids, my friends and I would joke around that Eve carried mace around all the time to help Adam not think sexual thoughts in case they had to eat together. I don't know about you but if I were a girl, I wouldn't want to eat dinner with a guy that has a 24 hour boner staring at me.

This is what's strange to me about our bodies. In movies, we can show a scene where someone is blown-up, chopped up, sliced up, and so on but show one erect penis or vagina, the movie is slapped with an "NC-17" or "X-Rating." Pathetic.

We have these body parts that make us unique but we don't bother to accept them. Religious freaks are so hyped up into telling us that "impure thoughts" will make us go to Hell. Guess what? We all think of them so I guess we are all going to Hell. I'm not one for overcrowding so I'll try not to think of anything naughty. *Oops! I did it again!*

*I hear it's best to go to Hell in the winter since it's best that time of year*

It shouldn't come to a surprise that I love vaginas. They're so.......wet. Is that the best word for it? Unlike our penises, vaginas are cool in how many things can be done with them. You can finger, massage, poke, lick, fist, and so on. What I love to do is tease the whole area with my tongue so that the girl just begs for a release. Sometimes, they smell good but most guys I know don't like it. Little do they know that if they go down on a girl real well, she'll lose herself to the orgasm and do just about any kinky thing with their cocks.

I'd love to go in depth with this discussion but my dogs are outside to which I want to roll around on the floor with them. As much as I love to talk about sexual matters, my dogs are more important right now.

So, I'd just like to end this saying that Pornography Awareness Week is such a piece of shit. Considering how many religious freaks didn't bother to fight priests in the molestation cases, I'm wondering whose side they're on. Porn isn't anti-family. It's just something that some people love. I'm not big on porn but I find it amusing. Who doesn't? Just look at the names on the boxes!


"Edward Penishands"

"Honey, I Blew Everyone."

Everyone has their own thing so we might as well accept it. I'm outta here to let the dogs in. I've got some things to take care of as well.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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