Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Just when I thought it couldn't get any weirder.........

I'm not a person that weighs himself since I really don't care about the total. If you must know, I'm around 190lbs. and at 11% bodyfat. The only reason I know this is because people point this out or they ask me. I've never cared about the total weight since I've liked how I feel and look (although there are days I detest myself quite a bit). One should be happy in his/her amount since that person holds the actual keys to presenting itself.

What had me annoyed is that I have dropped a total of 5.4 lbs. since yesterday. I'm not completely sure if it's just water because I sweated A LOT! I'm not saying a small amount because I felt it streaming off my face as I sat there waiting to cool off desperately. My plain white t-shirt was now something I could wear in a wet t-shirt contest.

"Shake that fantastic rack, Hedgie!!"

Oh, don't go thinking that I am full of myself and such. What happens in the gym stays in the gym to which I become a nice normal beer drinking lovable goofball with a keen eye on observation, just a little less now in the pounds department.

So, my workout to which I'm willing to share? It's pretty simple. As I did yesterday, I walked for 5 minutes on the treadmill, ran for 15 at a pace of 5.5 mph, and then walked for 5 minutes to cool down. After I got a quick drink of water, I hit the board for reverse sit-ups at around 115 repititions. Pretty fast and simple. Finding out I weigh 5.4 lbs. less was the kicker.

Oh, but I'm aching bad. Real bad. My legs are sore and my sides are tough to move. However, I like it because I know my body will handle it soon enough to which pain becomes second nature.

*We all know I can take pain since I took that bet in which I put a cigarette out on my wrist while drunk-Yikes! Oh, the scar! The scar!*

I've gotta admit that although I am sore, I feel so good. The only nerve is running for 15 minutes. Trust me. Running 15 minutes on a treadmill can feel like you're running for hours because that last minute goes on forever to which you just want to honk the horn and tell the evil driver to STOP THE FUCKING CRAZY TRAIN CUZ YOU WANNA PUKE!

*Those that work out know what I'm talking about*

It's funny how I was high after the run. I'm not kidding, with all the endorphins cruizing my brain (Hedgehoggy KNOWS "stoned") that I just didn't want to sit still. The feeling must last for I will not resort to peeling off all my clothes and start up a naked parade in my neighborhood.

So, I raked my whole backyard in 15-30 minutes. Weird but true. No more leaves for my Yorkies to bring in to drop off after wearing them. Clyde says yellow leaves bring out his eyes. I say not.

Unfortunately, we did have a situation here. My dog, Ellie-Mae had a seizure this morning. While my mom was out grocery shopping (ditching me because we argue as I've talked about many many times) "Hoss" was twitching and having problems moving. This happens a lot to which it all ends with her throwing up a massive amount of dog food and what the fuck. It's gross but if you have dogs, you kind of get used to it. My dad held her while I waited for instructions (more paper to mop it up).

I'm trying to talk my mom into teaching Ellie-Mae how to use the treadmill upstairs. Yes, dogs use treadmills. It would take me to put Ellie on a leash and set a steady pace for her to walk in order to get rid of this excess weight she's put on lately. Yes, she's an eating machine that scares me since I don't want her to leave my world.

*If you've never heard of dogs walking treadmills, here's a fact for you. Dog fighters train their Pits and Rots to walk them all while holding weights around the neck area in order to get their necks and legs strong. A fighting dog has massive amounts of muscle around the neck area. I know all this because I worked with these types of dogs thanks to having to deal with what the local dog catcher brought all while I worked at the local humane society long ago. Sad but true. However, it was cool to see raccoons and kittens.*

Well, this is long enough. My decision will be tonight once I finish dinner and calm myself down. Then again, I'm also reading the "For Better Or Worse" collected comic strip book in order to do this. I'm also hoping that my interview on Tuesday leads a job!!! Whoo!

I'll update later on and thanks for all the notes. Although I write for me, it feels good that so many of you find my amusing or interesting to read. We liberals need to stick together since I read a very scary thing. More people are becoming Republican, the Evil Empire. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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